Halimeh's Kidnapping Game

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We are making a chapter with just me and Hali for old-times sake. We will make chapters every once in a while featuring the original 'Hilarity Duo' (me and Hali)

[Ashley is online]

[Catrina is online]

[Archer is online]

[Halimeh is online]

[Speedy is online]

Ashley: What up people?! :D

Halimeh: Hey Ashy poo

Ashley: Heyyyyy

Halimeh: Hey boo, where's Jake?

Ashley: He's on his way.

Halimeh: He's not gonna... Attack me again, is he??

Ashley: No, at least I hope not.

Halimeh: Suuuuuure...

[Jake is online]

Jake: Hello.


Ashley: Ummm...

Jake: Okay then... I think I'll just-

Ashley: NO! I mean, you should stay.

Jake: Oookayyyy.

Catrina: *munches on popcorn* This is starting to get boring...

Archer: *attacks Speedy for trying to steal Catrina's popcorn*

Catrina: Umm... *turns around and shoots them with her Taser* That's what happens when you act like idiots! Now go somewhere! *puts away Taser*

Speedy: *falls over*

Halimeh: Ah! Speedy!! Are you okay?? *rushes over to Speedy* Poor Speedy... *slaps a very stunned Speedy* WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT STEALING FOOD??!! I TOLD YOU TO STOP FIGHTING WITH PEOPLE, IT'S GETTING ON MY NERVES- *yelling continues*

Ashley: *points at Hali and Speedy* Now there's a show.

Catrina: Yep. *shares popcorn with Archer and Ashley*

Jake: I don't like popcorn. No thanks. *watches yelling* This is... normal?

Catrina, Ashley, and Archer: Yep.

Speedy: MMMM! MMMPh!!! Mph! MMMMM!!!!!!

Halimeh: Hehehehe, there we go. That's better. *handcuffs Speedy to chair*

[Richard is online]

[Koriand'r is online]

Richard: Uhhhhh....

Halimeh: *points at Robin* You're next!!!

Richard: O_O someone save me!!

Halimeh: *hits Robin with frying pan* These are awesome. Rapunzel was right.

Koriand'r: *shreiks* NO! You are a mean girl! Go away now! Do not harm Robin!!

Ashley: Oh great...

Halimeh: *handcuffs Robin to Speedy's chair, duct-tapes his mouth too* Duct tape fixes everything.

Ashley: No it doesn't!! I tried fixing a broken pencil with it and it came off!! And my great-grandfather used it to hold an extension ladder together, but it didn't work. He got the cat down, but they reached the ground rather quickly. My great-grandfather had alot of scratches... From branches AND the cat.

Halimeh: Well, that's inspiring. *looks for Robin* Where'd he go??

Koriand'r: I do not know.

Ashley: He vanished!! :D

Catrina: *eye roll*

Archer: *runs away and jumps out window*

Catrina: Well, he's safe now...

Speedy: *bear-hugs Hali and makes her take her medicine*

Halimeh: Blerg! Ewww... I hate this stuff!!

Speedy: You're the one who didn't want the pill!!!

Halimeh: So??!!

Speedy: So go get the pills instead!!

Ashley: Violence...

Catrina: Whoa, another show. *sits back down*

Archer: *comes back dripping wet* Cool.

Richard: *peeks to see if Hali is occupied, comes in and runs behind Starfire*

Koriand'r: What-

Richard: Sssshhh!!

Koriand'r: Umm...

Halimeh: Hey! How'd you get out??

Richard: You're bad at handcuffing... And duct-taping... And abducting...

Halimeh: Excuse me??

Catrina: Okay, show's over! Go away now!! Bad Hali, bad!!

Ashley: Let's go get pizza!!

Halimeh: TACOS!!

Ashley: Fine...

Halimeh: No, milkshakes!!

Ashley: Okay.

Halimeh: SMOOTHIES!!

Ashley: I GET IT!!

Halimeh: Well then...

[Halimeh is offline]

[Ashley is offline]

Catrina: They're crazy...

Archer: Extremely.

Catrina: I'm leaving. My Dad's Ferrari is outside. Bye.

[Catrina is offline]

Archer: Wow.

Speedy: Igottagobye!!

[Speedy was disconnected]

[Archer is offline. Message: ESCAPE!!]

Richard: Phew... She's go-

[Richard was disconnected]

Koriand'r: Oh no! Robin!

[Koriand'r is offline]

Jake: Hello? *sigh* that was intense...

[Jake is offline]

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