Chapter 16

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There are dim red lights all around her. Stephanie is in a place all too foreign to her. The room smells of leather and latex and she is strapped down to something that looks like a tanning bed. “Maybe I’m dead. Maybe I’m dead and this is hell.” At least if she were dead she wouldn’t have to see Ray again or that snot nosed brat Agnes Bumgarner. The lights make the room hot. Sweat drips from her pores and her hair is drenched. She takes a moment to take in her surroundings. VIP ROOM is written in large red letters and the paint is smeared down the wall making it look like blood. To her left she can see… “Holy fuck. This perv has more sex toys than Christian Grey. I never should have read that book.”

Stephanie can hear Ray breathing heavily behind her. “I’m not Anastasia you asshole.” Ray hovers over Stephanie snarling his lip; she can see the evil in his eyes. The ropes are tight on her wrists and ankles and the temperature in the tanning bed is steadily increasing. Any more of this and she will look like a lobster. She wriggles around, kicking her legs but it’s no use; if she doesn’t escape soon she will burn to death.

“Let’s play a game,” says Ray. “It’s called a hunting we will go. I’ll give you a head start.” Ray cuts the ropes and Stephanie runs for the door. She gets there before he does, puts her hand on the knob and turns. “C’mon. “C’mon.” The door won’t open. Ray has locked them inside. She twists the knob again and again. It still won’t open. Stephanie bangs both her hands against the door but there is no way out. She is trapped, a feeling she has gotten to know all too well over the last couple of weeks.

Within moments she can feel Ray’s rough hands on her hips. She is thrown to the ground and bangs her elbow on the concrete. Ray takes a paddle that is hanging on the wall and swings it against her crimson behind. Stephanie yells in pain, on her hands and knees she tries to crawl away, but again he catches her. He pulls her by the hair; some of her blonde curls ripping out in his hand. She is terrified. Would this be her last day on earth?

He is behind her now, his weight pressing against the back of her thighs, pinning her to the floor. She can feel his girth grazing her buttocks as she struggles to free herself from his grasp. His empty hand reaches around the front of her neck. She coughs and wheezes as her air supply lessens with every passing second. With both hands she claws her chipped fingernails into his arm and manages to pull Ray’s arm from her neck, saving herself from asphyxiation.

Stephanie rises to her feet and gives Ray a swift kick in the nuts. He is stopped in his tracks, wincing in pain on the ground in front of her. The door is only ten feet away. “How am I going to open it?” She quickly looks around the room, sex toys, more sex toys, a strange swing in the corner, but nothing strong enough to break the door. She must act quickly. Ray is now on his feet, a look of anger and pain on his face as a large vein pulsates on his forehead. He steps forward towards Stephanie and something falls from his pocket and clings against the ground.

Stephanie’s heart races with the speed in which Secretariat won the Triple Crown as she dives for the key. Thank you Jesus. Stephanie clutches the little gold key, holding on with the exuberant force a newborn would use to grasp her mother’s thumb. She uses her left hand to push herself up but Ray dives on top of her and she hits the ground like a quarterback blindsided by the league’s best linebacker.

Her muscles ache. Her malnourished body can hardly take his weight on top of her. Her bones are becoming more brittle every day she remains here. She is sweating, kicking and screaming as she tries to get him off of her, but she is too weak. Still holding out hope of survival she grasps that key for dear life. Ray grabs her wrist and says, “Like I told you before, you are not going anywhere you little whore.”

Ray reaches around her body and she can feel his hands cupping her firm breasts. He is squeezing hard, nearly cutting into them with his fingernails. “Let me go you asshole.” Ray releases his right hand from her breast and slides it down toward her pelvic region. He continues to squeeze harder and harder on her left breast causing Stephanie to bite down hard on her lip making it bleed. She can feel his fingers against her sex and tries to wiggle free. He practically has his index finger inside or her when she takes her heel and kicks him in the shin. He yells in pain as Stephanie again makes a run for it.

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