Chapter 31

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Ray stares at his two victims and licks his lips as if they are dinner. He is in an unusually good mood today, possibly because it’s a beautiful day but more likely because he has two beautiful young women all to himself. Stephanie’s head hangs towards the floor as she has no fight in her today. She just wants it to be over, she is even considering ending her own life.

Melody awakens with wide eyes to her captor, the sadistic man that locks young girls in his basement for his pleasure. At the sight of him Melody realizes that this is not a dream but a dreadful reality. When she looks into Ray’s eyes all she can see is an evil heartless man devoid of compassion. This man has raised his daughter to be the same way and now Melody wishes she had never picked on sweet little Agnes Bumgarner.

Ray holds his knife to Melody’s throat and says, “It’s your turn sweetheart.” Stephanie is stunned by Ray’s actions and speaks her mind. “What do you mean it’s her turn? I took her turn for her.” Ray smirks below his gray moustache and says, “I didn’t give you permission to speak mutt.” This angers Stephanie very much. Now he is deciding when she can speak. She can’t put up with that. She won’t put up with that. Something has to be done about this asshole. Ray shoves a gag into Stephanie’s mouth and stands before Melody wielding a serrated blade.

Ray brushes Melody’s face with his rough blue-collar hand and then places it just below her lagging chin. He gently lifts her head up, smiles at her and gives her a wink. Melody is terrified of this sadistic man. She has witnessed first hand what he is capable of and she no longer wants to be a part of his sick twisted world. Her heart beats as fast as a racecar, fearing what will come next. Ray pulls her hair hard and lets go, the back of her head slamming into the concrete wall behind her. Tears begin to roll down her cheeks and Stephanie can only watch, helpless to protect her best friend.

Ray undoes Melody’s chains and drags her by the hair to the uncomfortable bed on the other side of the room. Stephanie looks on as her friend is thrown onto the mattress, her hair disheveled, an expression of defeat on her face. Ray sets the knife on the floor next to the bed and undoes his belt before climbing on top of Melody. She tries to struggle at first but her captor is too strong. She screams as loud as she can but Ray just slaps her hard across the face. She falls silent, hardly able to believe that she is in this type of situation right now.

Ray grabs Melody by the throat and lifts her up so that she is on her knees. “l’ll bet you are quite the knobjockey” says Ray pressing her face to his groin. She winces as she turns her head, her cheek brushing against his groin. She can hardly stand the smell, as it’s obvious Ray hasn’t showered today, she fears what he will do to her. She hopes he will let her live.

“So knobjockey let’s see what kind of talent you really have?” says Ray as he turns her head around, her lips now touching his groin. “Where are my manners? Here I am about to let you pleasure me and I haven’t even gotten your name. Though I think knobjockey suits you just fine.” Melody takes deep breaths, her heart racing, her body accumulating chills. She is going to be sick. She feels as if she might faint but she is afraid of passing out. She is afraid of what he might do to her if she is unconscious.

Ray grabs the back of Melody’s head and brings her mouth ever closer to his groin. “So what is your name slut?”  Melody stays silent until she feels a hard slap against her cheek. “What is your name you little bimbo?” “Melody” mumbles Stephanie’s best friend to her captor. “Melody. Such a pretty name. Music to my ears. But not quite as beautiful a name as knobjockey so that’s what I’ll call you. My little knobjockey.” Melody is scared and angry at the same time, she wants to punch Ray in his ugly old face.

Chained against the wall Stephanie struggles to break free. She uses all her might trying to escape, trying to save Melody from Ray but only ends up cutting her wrists even more than they already are. It’s one thing for Ray to have messed with Stephanie, and in some way she might have deserved it but not Melody. Melody is innocent. The hazing of Agnes was Stephanie’s idea, not Melody’s. Now her best friend is about to be sexually assaulted because of her and there is nothing she can do to stop it from happening.

Ray presses his girth to the back of Melody’s throat and says, “If I feel teeth you die.” Melody is disgusted. She can’t believe this is happening. No it isn’t the first time she has had one of these things in her mouth but it is the first time she has ever been forced to do something like this. “C’mon little girl. You can do better than that.” Melody has never been more degraded in her entire life. She has been used to being in control, being the one to order people to do things, she is not used to being someone’s slave. Melody hates being told what to do.

Melody with a mouth full of Ray’s meat can see the knife lying on the carpet out of the corner of her eye. If she can somehow reach it she might be able to escape. She slowly slides to her right inching close to the edge of the bed, hoping her captor doesn’t notice what she is up to. She slowly begins to lean towards the carpeting and Stephanie shows a hint of a smile for the first time since her abduction as she sees what her friend has up her sleeve.

Stephanie then sees a shadowy figure tiptoeing down the stairs and putting an end to her happiness. The shadowy figure holds a finger to her lips making the sign for Stephanie to shush. The figure then makes a cutting motion in front of her throat and Stephanie’s stomach drops when she realizes who it is.

Melody continues to inch towards the edge of the bed, knowing that if she can just reach the blade she will be able to free herself from this evil man. Ray is now enjoying her performance and isn’t even slightly aware of what Melody is trying to do. Melody continues to please him and then quickly pushes him away from her as she lunges for the knife, nearly falling off the edge of the bed. She goes to grab the knife but a hand quickly swipes it away from her.

“Agnes Bumgarner. Ugh. I should’ve known you were behind something like this. Just face it, you’ll never be anything but a pathetic little dweeb.” I’m not the one locked in someone’s basement.” Melody takes a swing at Agnes but Agnes moves out of the way. “I wouldn’t try that again if I were you. I’m the one holding the knife.” Defying Agnes’s words Melody swings at Agnes again but is quickly grabbed by Ray. Together Ray and his daughter bring Melody back to her place next to Stephanie on the wall, both of them getting bit by Melody on the way as she tries to escape.

Melody is disappointed. She had come so close to escaping but is forced to remain here chained to a wall next to her best friend at the hands of a vengeful nerd and her sadistic father. Only time will tell if she gets out alive. When Melody’s restraints are secure Agnes says, “You’ve tormented me for years and now you’ve angered my Daddy.” Melody gives an angry stare and says “Agnes you’re a bitch.” Agnes grins and says, “It’s Raven now and don’t you forget it.”

Ray and his daughter stand before the two thin malnourished blondes holding their weapons of choice, extremely sharp knives. Ray is pleased with the new level of confidence Agnes portrays since changing her image and attitude. He smiles at his only daughter before they place their weapons at the throats of their victims, Ray’s knife held to Stephanie’s throat and Raven’s held to Melody’s.

“Please don’t do this,” pleads Melody. Raven just laughs. “You didn’t seem to care when you and your friends hazed me so why should I care about you?” Raven slaps Melody’s breasts hard leaving a bright red mark. “You little bitch!” yells Melody.

Stephanie watches as Agnes continues to torment her closest friend. She tries to think of a way out, a way to help Melody but with tight restraints and a knife to her throat there is little she can do. Raven moves her knife from Melody’s throat and stabs it into various spots in the wall, terrifying the gorgeous blonde. Melody screams the words “Help Me! Help Me!” but Ray and his daughter just chuckle. “Any last requests?” asks Raven as sweat pours down Melody’s body. Melody is breathing heavily now and says, “I hope you rot in hell!” On that note Raven takes her blade and slices Melody’s stomach open, smiling as her enemy begins to bleed to death.             

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