Chapter 32

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Raine runs down the street and around the block towards Brianna’s house. Her blonde hair glistens in the spring sunlight and her black top keeps sliding off her shoulder as she runs. When she arrives at Brianna’s house she bangs on the door profusely. Brianna’s mother answers the door in a low cut top, her breasts heaving out of it, showing off her second boob job. “Hello Raine” says Brianna’s mother. “Brianna, Raine is here.” Brianna comes hurrying down a winding staircase and greets Raine. “What do you want?” asks Brianna with a hint of sarcasm.

Raine catches her breath and says, “I’ve got it. I know what the Ouija Board was trying to tell us.” Brianna is annoyed with Raine’s comment. “I told you Raine, I’m not interested in witchcraft of voodoo or any creepy things like that. That stuff freaks me out.” “But Brianna you have to listen to me. Please. Just this one last time.” Brianna doesn’t want to see Raine. She has become scared of her best friend. “Go home Raine. I have to wash my hair. Bye Raine.” Brianna then slams the door in Raine’s face. Raine just keeps knocking on the door repeatedly. Brianna opens it and says, “Go away Raine” says Brianna again slamming the door in Raine’s face.

“I know where they are,” shouts Raine from behind the door. This peeks Brianna’s interest just enough to open the door a crack. “Where are they Raine?” They are in someone’s basement.  “How could you possibly know that Raine?” “The board told us.” Brianna rolls her eyes at Raine and brushes a blonde strand of hair from her eyes. “Raine how can you possibly believe in all that? It’s just a stupid game and it only gave us half of a word.” Raine continues to pout to Brianna, hoping she will hear her out. “Brianna, please I know it sounds crazy but what else do we have to go on? I know it was trying to tell us that Steph and Mel are in someone’s basement and my money is on that crazy Agnes Bumgarner girl.”

Brianna stands before Raine, biting her nails and says, “I know that Agnes is a little weird but I don’t think she has it in her to abduct someone.” Raine takes out a compact and applies more black lipstick making her look like the gothic queen that she is. “Brianna, c’mon. You know Agnes is acting really strange lately, changing her name and calling herself Raven. It’s like she’s possessed.”

Brianna stares at Raine for a moment before changing the subject. “Raine, when did you get that piercing?” Raine brushes her hand against the metal stud that sits just above her lip and says, “Yesterday. Do you like it?” Brianna just shakes her head. “You’re so weird Raine. First that dumbass eagle tattoo and now a silly piercing.” “Hey I like my eagle tattoo. It’s very defining.” Brianna laughs. “I still can’t believe Mr. Klein thinks that’s your way of showing school spirit.”

Brianna continues to stare at the new stud above Raine’s lip and then says, “I just have to change and we can get out of here.” Raine smiles and says, “You mean you believe me and you’ll go with me?” Raine jumps up and down enamored with joy. “Stop gloating Raine. I’m only going because I don’t have anything else to do right now.” Raine stands in the doorway waiting for Brianna. Brianna turns her back to Raine and changes out of one white tank top and into another, exposing her red bra. Raine secretly hopes that she will turn around as unknown to her friends she is sometimes into girls.  Brianna turns back around and says, “Okay I’m ready. Let’s go find our friends.” Raine raises her eyebrows and says, “This is war. No one messes with our friends and gets away with it. Agnes Bumgarner you are going down.”

The two girls gather their things and head out the door towards Agnes Bumgarner’s house. “Wait” says Brianna. “Shouldn’t we bring a weapon or something?” Raine just looks at her and says, “I already have a switchblade in my boot.” Raine is always prepared for these types of situations. Brianna shakes her head and follows Raine down the road. Careful not to upset Brianna again, Raine never mentions to Brianna that she has recited an incantation, which may help them find their friends.

Raine marches down the street in her leather boots, playing with the blue streak in her hair along the way. The new stud in her lip is bothering her a little now but it’s okay because she is someone who likes pain. Brianna can’t quite keep up with Raine, she doesn’t want to run because her top heavy self will bounce up and down attracting attention from all the boys in the neighborhood, attention that at this moment is unwanted. She bites her nails contemplating what could happen when they arrive at the Bumgarner’s house.

Along the way the two girls try to devise a plan so they know what to do when they arrive at the enemy’s house. It’s not quite dark outside yet but the temperature has dropped significantly and the wind has picked up causing Raine to continuously have to brush her hair out of her face. Also her shirt keeps slipping off her shoulder again, making her a bit uncomfortable.

When the two girls get to the creepy, unkempt house they just stand and stare for a few moments before walking up the driveway. The grass looks like it hasn’t been cut for weeks and tree branches from a recent storm are scattered across the yard. Side by side the girls approach the big red door and then stop. “What should we say?” asks Brianna. “I don’t know,” says Raine. “Well think of something.” The girls knock on the door and soon Ray opens it. “Can I help you ladies?” The girls stand silent for a moment and then Brianna nudges Raine in the arm. “Ugh, yeah. We are selling Girl Scout cookies and we were wondering if you would like to buy a box?” Ray looks down at her with a puzzled face. “I don’t see any cookies,” says Ray.

Raine frowns and says, “You’re right. I lied. We are really here to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ. It’s just that most people usually slam the door in our faces when we say that.” “I go to church on Sundays” says Ray. “That’s great but do you have a designated prayer area in your home?” Ray scratches his head thinking something strange is going on. “I can pray from anywhere,” says Ray. “Sorry ladies, I have things to do. I’m very busy today.” Ray begins to shut the door.

“Hold it right there!” says Raine, lifting her jeans and pointing to the switchblade in her boot. “Where are our friends at?” “I don’t know what you are talking about?” says Ray slamming the door. Raine ferociously pounds on the door again. “We know they are in there. “We know you have them. Now let them go.” Ray again opens the door. “Leave now! Leave or I’m calling the police.” Raine grins and says,  “Go ahead. Call the police. They will probably find our friends in there.” “Good Day!” shouts Ray again slamming the door.

            When Ray is gone the girls creep along the side of the house trying to look for anything suspicious. They crouch down on the side of the house, dandelions brushing up against their legs and make their way to a small basement window. Raine and Brianna peek inside but it is too dark to see anything. “There is nobody here,” says Brianna. “Just keep looking,” says Raine. Another couple of minutes pass and the girls continue to spy into the basement. Still nothing. They get up and are ready to leave when Raine says, “Wait. I think I saw something move.” She presses her nose to the glass and Ray comes up to the window yelling, scaring the usually tough Raine. “I said get the hell out of here.” The girls run off down the street, still without any answers.

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