Chapter 18

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Stephanie crawls over to the doggy dish and laps up some water, barely avoiding dehydration. She spits out blood with every sip and one of her teeth seems to be loose. The cut on her chest continues to bleed and she is in need of a bandage. It’s not deep enough to kill her but she needs to put something on it in order to prevent infection. Why did he spare my life? wonders Stephanie as she hears the door opening.

Ray enters chainsaw in hand as if he were going to dismember and dispose of a body. Ray is surprised when Stephanie springs to her feet with the revving of the chainsaw. He can’t believe she is still alive after the vicious blow to the head he had given her the evening before. Ray grins and Stephanie lets out an obnoxious shriek as he inches ever closer to her. “You can run but you can’t hide,” says Ray. Stephanie trips as the ropes that are still tied to her ankles make it difficult to run. The sound of the saw is louder now as he is directly behind her. She crawls away and crouches down behind the tanning bed. She puts her hands over her head, fearing that moments from now she will be nothing more than worm food.

Ray then surprises her by shutting off the chainsaw. “I’m no murderer” chuckles Ray. “However if I was you would be my first victim. He lets out a voracious grin and she can see his upper lip snarl below his gray moustache. “Why won’t you let me go?” whines Stephanie. “Haven’t you done enough? Haven’t you gotten your revenge?” “What you did is unforgivable princess. And for that you must pay the price.” “How many times do I have to tell you I’m sorry? I’ll be nice to Agnes from now on, I promise.” “I don’t believe you. You’re word is about as good as unicorn shit.”

Ray slaps Stephanie hard across the face with the back of his hand, her cheek stinging as if she had a thousand canker sores and wishes she had the energy to fight back, the energy to protect herself from whatever torture may come next but she is much too weak. She doesn’t have any fight left in her and she is starting to wish he would just kill her already so it will all be over.

Ray drags Stephanie by her dirty unconditioned hair and slams her against the brick wall in the back of the room. He sets down the chainsaw and ties her to some sort of wheel. He spins her around and around making her nauseous. “How do you feel about a game of darts?” asks Ray, taking a few from his pocket. “Let me go you freak!” “I wouldn’t mouth off to me little lady, you never know when my hand might slip. You could lose an eye.” Ray spins the wheel so that Stephanie is an upright position and he begins his game of darts. Stephanie screams as the first one flies just past her head and sticks in the wall next to her. The next dart barely misses her and sticks into the wall on the other side of her head and the third one sticks into the wheel just between her thighs, barely missing her baby maker. “That was fun. Shall we play again?”

Ray then takes a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket and lights one. He begins to cough as he is usually a non-smoker but this is a special occasion. These cigarettes are not really for smoking, these cigarettes have a much better use. Ray goes up to Stephanie, looks straight into her hazel eyes and presses the lit cigarette into her arm. “Ahhhhhh” yells Stephanie. Ray has no pity for the evil tramp that hazed his little girl and lights up another one. “Please don’t do this.” “Shut up you little bitch.” Again she feels a hard slap across her face. He puts the next cigarette out on her other arm. Again she screams in pain. “Dirty whores must be punished,” says Ray, continuing to light cigarettes and press them against her skin until the entire pack is gone.

“So tell me you little whore, you lady of the night, why is it that you hurt my baby girl?” Stephanie’s arms are on fire, her body is numb from all the abuse, tears pour from her lachrymal ducts, she is unable to answer him. Even if she could speak she couldn’t possibly come up with a reasonable answer, one that will stop the abuse and set her free. She knows he will never let her go. She has seen his face, his horrible evil unforgiving silhouette, the face of a man with eyes as blue as an angel’s yet darker than the Satan’s himself.

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