Chapter 4

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Ray returns home from his job and checks on Stephanie. He is wearing the same blue flannel shirt he had on when he abducted her and he smells of a mixture of burnt flesh and bleach. His moustache is thicker now from days without shaving and stubble has begun to form on his cheeks. His clothes are wet from the rain and his shoes have tracked in mud. He looks directly into Stephanie’s hazel eyes without saying a word. He takes a peek at the uneaten food at her feet, and a look of disgust comes over him. He takes the dishes away and goes back up the stairs.          

   He returns ten minutes later, hair wet from his recent shower, wearing sweatpants and a tee shirt and smelling of Old Spice. He walks past Stephanie is if she weren’t even there and sits down on the old couch. Stephanie can see her parent’s on the television. Her father Jim is a tall handsome man; over six feet and her mother Lilly is also tall and blonde like Stephanie. Her father has the same serious look on his face that he always has and her mother is crying hysterically. Stephanie, already emotionally spent bursts into tears when she sees her mother cry. Both her parents are standing side by side at a podium in front of a crowd of people. Dr. Saunder’s addresses the crowd and has a message for the abductor. “Please, if you are watching, return our daughter to us safely. We will pay whatever you ask.” Ray jumps up from the couch and begins clapping. “Quite a performance by the good doctor. If only this were about money.” Ray laughs for a couple minutes before sitting back down. In the background Stephanie can hear the news lady say “If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Stephanie Saunders please contact us at Channel 23 news.”             

Stephanie tries as hard as she can the break free from the chains. She moves her arms and legs as much as she possible can but there is no chance of freedom. “If this isn’t about money, then what does he want from me? He is going to kill me.” Stephanie wants to see her parents now more than ever. She wants to give her mom a hug and wipe away the tears. This is most Stephanie has seen her parent’s care about her since she was a little girl.   Stephanie knows her parents love her but it is a more platonic love than most children receive. There are not a lot of hugs and kisses between them as her parents see those things as a sign of weakness, and people who are weak never make it far in life. Stephanie is involved in extracurricular activities, she is head cheerleader, plays the piano and dances but her parents rarely ever show up to any of these events. There is no sign of junk food in their home as both parents work in a hospital and think if she eats anything the slightest bit unhealthy she will get fat, get diabetes and die. Sure they buy her expensive things, but those are materialistic things, things that could never replace their lack of affection for her.  

Stephanie does love to shop but her mother has never taken her to the mall to pick out a dress. Her father just hands her a credit card and she returns with designer clothes, jewelry and sometimes, if someone will sell it to her, a bottle of fine wine. They never talk to her about boys or drinking or drugs but at least they have spared her the talk about the birds and the bees. Stephanie often wishes her parents were like other people and would take an interest in their daughter’s life. Despite their shortcomings, she wants to see them; they are the only family she’s got.  

Stephanie furiously tries to escape from the chains now as she realizes she is too young to die. This attempt leaves her wrists and ankles with cuts on them and her hair drenched with sweat. “Enough!” shouts Ray. He turns off the television and heads back over towards Stephanie. He is really angry now. “Why didn’t you eat your breakfast?” “Helen worked hard to prepare that meal for you, the least you could do is eat it. Now you must be punished.” Ray reapplies the dog collar and unchains Stephanie from the wall. He pushes her down on all fours, and applies a paddle to her buttocks. Stephanie screams in pain. “What do you say?” Ray removes the ball gag so Stephanie can speak. “What do you say?” “Thank you” mumbles Stephanie. “Thank you, Master,” say it right. “Thank you master” but before Stephanie can finish the sentence she again feels another whack of the paddle on her already pulsating behind.  

Ray throws the paddle to the floor, pulls Stephanie by her sweaty hair and throws her on the mattress. He pins her down, handcuffs her to the bed and hovers over the top of her naked body. Stephanie screams at the top of her lungs “Help me! Please somebody help me!” Ray shoves the gag back into her mouth to shut her up and holds her by the throat. He removes his pants and she feels his girth penetrate her. She is numb with pain as she feels each thrust press into her, turning her worst fear into reality. This is not at all how she pictured her first time would be. She thought it would happen on her wedding night after a beautiful ceremony, and with her handsome husband. No one at Prince High knew she was a virgin as it would have destroyed her reputation but it doesn’t matter now. Her virginity is gone and it’s not likely she will be returning to high school.  

When Ray is finished he removes the gag asks Stephanie “How was it? Was it everything you dreamed it would be?” Stephanie can barely speak. Tears roll down her face and into her mouth. “Yes” mumbles Stephanie. “You forgot to say master. “Yes master.” Ray steps up off the bed and leaves Stephanie handcuffed in the supine position. Staring at her with a sinister grin, he puts his pants back on and gives a slight wink. “Why are you doing this?” asks Stephanie. “Because I love my daughter.”

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