Chapter 1 : Did you say baby?

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Chapter 1 :

Eliza's P.O.V.

I opened up the link for a twit cam since I promised my fans i would do this when I had time and I don't have to work till later. As the page loaded I kept thinking about what happened after my little incident two weeks ago with Nathan and what has happened since then, like the food craving, the throwing up, and not to mention all the moody days I've had. Luckily after I'm done with the twit cam I have a doctor appointment to see what's wrong and then I have work (Ugh). Don't get me wrong I love taking pictures but sometimes it can get annoying.

I heard multiple ding's and looked back to my computer screen and saw I was on and had thirty thousand views.

" Hi everyone, sorry I was a bit distracted by something Private happening in my life " I told the viewers. I scrolled down the questions and answered a few of them.

" How have you been lately? from @ILoveEliza aw I love you too, and to answer that question I have been feeling a little off, but in ten minutes or sooner I am leaving to the doctors so that is good " I answered the question. I scrolled down and try to find something else to answer.

" I love you so much! please follow me! from @Elizators (A/N- you pronounce it E-Lie-Zay- Tours) aw you made a fan base name, and I'll follow you right now " I grabbed my phone and looked her name up and quickly pressed the followed button " Followed! " I say joyfully into the computer. I felt something coming up my throat which caused me to run to the bathroom and puke my guts out. I went back to the computer.

" Sorry guys that has been happening to be for a while now " I tell my fan just as I felt my phone buzz and took a quick glace seeing it was an alarm telling me time to leave and go to the doctor.

" Sorry guys I know this twit cam was short but I have a doctor appointment to get to but I might get on later tonight so stay tuned, bye " I logged off the account, grabbed my keys and flew out of the house jumping into my car and driving to the doctor's office.

I walked into the doctor's office and signed myself in then waited for my name to be call. I grabbed my phone out and noticed I got a message from my boss Kelly.

From Kelly: This is a reminder, we are taking pictures for a boy band so make sure you have your camera ready

From Eliza: Okay boss

" Eliza Edwards! "I heard my name being called, I grabbed my bag and stood up " Follow me Ms. Edwards " I followed the lady into a white painted room with a blue bed against the wall " The doctor will be in a second but please sit down " I nodded. Five minutes later a man in his fourty's walked in wearing a lab coat holding a clip broad " Are you Eliza Edwards? "

" I am she. "

" I am Dr.Lopez, so you say you have been feeling sick? " I nodded " Then we will run a blood test to see what is? " He came over to me and took some blood out of me. I was freaking out, as far back as I remember I have always hated needles they just creep me out. The doctor walked out telling me he will be right back with the results just as my phone buzzed.

From Sammie: Did you get the results back?

From Eliza: Nope, the doctor just left with a sample of my blood

From Sammie: Okay but tell me what is wrong with you when you get the results back, I can't even stay still caused I a worried your going to die!

From Eliza: I'm not going to die, you're just being over dramatic

From Sammie: Well they do call me queen of drama at my acting management for a reason, and I have to go I have an audition for a cover girl commercial

From Eliza: Okay good luck!

I put my phone away while the same doctor walked back into the room with the results. He looked up at me smiling then looked back down. Why is he smiling?

" Ms.Edwards, you are not sick " He tells me

" If I am not sick than what am I? "

" Simple, have you had your menstrual cycle this month " I looked at him wired, I he trying to make this awkward?

" No, I don't get mine till the end of the month "

" Then that would explain a whole lot "

" What are you telling me? " I am seriously about to start panicking if he does not tell me what is wrong with me.

" Ms. Edwards, please calm down it's not good for the baby " He is right i need to calm down- wait, did he just say baby? no he could not just said baby, I'm not pregnant I have'nt even had sex in two weeks. wait a second.

" did you say baby? "

" yes I said baby, you are about two weeks into the pregnancy, congratulations Ms. Edwards "

" No this can not be happening, I'm only nineteen barely finishing school, I can't have a baby I'm too young to be a parent " I said, I am not ready for a baby. I surely don't want to be a single parent. What would Nathan think about this? why am I thinking about him? I have'nt even spoken to him since that night. Cause he is the father.

" Ms. Edwards, judging by your reactions I am guessing that this was unexpected, but you do have options such as an abortion " Is he really asking me that question? I may be young to be a parent but I would never think about killing an innocent unborn child. It was not the baby's fault this happen, it's mine and Nathan's, and even if Nathan won't want Its my body and I choose to have it.

" I would never kill an unborn child, especially not mine "

" I understand Ms. Edwards, Since you are keeping the baby you will need to start making appointments with an obstetrician, that is all and you may leave when you're ready " I nodded and got off the blue bed and walked out.

I got into my car and just sat there. How am I going to tell my parents, Sammie, my overly protective brother, but most importantly Nathan. I have no connection to him. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing.

From Kelly: Hurry up to the studio, the address is 6428 Barker Drive

I pushed my thoughts aside and focused on work. I put the keys in the engine and drove to the studio address that Kelly gave me.


I got some feedback from an awesome person *cough* TWNathanSykesTW *Cough* saying she liked it so this chapter is dedicated to her, plus I got some votes on it so I am going to continue this story. Hope you enjoyed chapter one. Plus there is a picture of Eliza (Ellie Workman) and Ed Sheeran song Small Bump on the side!!!





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