Chapter 6:Telling Nathan's Mum & Grandparent's

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Chapter 6

Nathan's P.O.V.

I pulled up into my mum's drive way and parked the car. I was about to wake up Eliza and tell we were here but when I looked at her she was fast asleep. I guess I'll let her sleep a little while longer while I go to my mum for second. I got out of the car and walked up to the front door and knocked. I would use my key to get in my I forgot it.

" Nathan! I missed you so much! " My sister Jess said as she opened the door and crush me with a tight hug.

" Hi baby sis! How are you? and is mum here? I need to talk to her for a minute about something important " I ask as I broke the hug with my sister.

" I'm fine and No, she had to go to the store to get some food ingredients for dinner, she is making a big meal since grand-mum and granddad are coming over, but were you going to tell mum? " Jess told and asked me.

I look down to the floor. " Well, I really don't know how to tell you or mum this but... Um... in a couple of months I'm... Going to be a father " I look back up to my sister who had a huge smile on her face.

" I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE!!! Who is the girl that is carrying the baby? are you guys in a relationship? when did you find out about the baby? " Jess began to so many questions.

" Calm down Jess, one question at a time, the girl carrying my baby is Eliza Edwards, were not in a relationship, well not yet but hopefully soon we will, and we found out about the baby yesterday, she is two weeks into the pregnancy, and don't tell mum this but it was kinda a one night stand " I told my sister.

" I'm kind of lost here, so can you please start from the beginning "

" Two weeks ago, Jay and Tom convinced everyone to go to the club and that night I got really drunk and that is when I met Eliza, anyways next thing I knew I woke up naked next to her, after that night I did not speak to her until yesterday, she was our photographer for out photo shoot and that is all that had happen for the past two weeks "

" your life at the moment is full of drama right now an would make a perfect soap opera show, but is this Eliza girl here with you or is she still in London? "

" She is here with me, she is just in the car she fell asleep and I don't want to wake her up "

" Nathan? What are you doing here? are you going to join us for dinner? " I heard my mum's voice say. I turn around to see my mum holding two brown bags that are full of ingredients.

" Jess, I'll give you money if you take the grocery's in for mum, so I can talk to her in privet for a minute " I tell Jess who ran and grabbed the grocery's from mum.

" You had me at money " Jess told me as she walked passed me and into the house with the grocery's.

" What is wrong dear? you are scaring me " My mum told me

" Mum, I'm sorry but there is a girl in my car, her name is Eliza Edwards and she is two weeks pregnant with my child " I tell my mum

" Well... Are you going to be there for her and not leave her? " My mum asked, I nodded. " Then I raised you right, you are accepting the consequences and being a man about this, your a better man to that Eliza girl than your father ever was to me, and I'm proud to call you my son "

" Thank you mum, I'm going to go and see if Eliza is up now, she fell asleep on our way here " I told my mum as she nodded. I went over to the side where Eliza is and opened the door. Eliza began to fluttered her eyes opening trying to look at me but the sun was aiming towards her eye.

" Are we here? " I nodded as I helped her out of the car. " ready to tell your mum and sister? "

" I told them, there waiting inside to met you, my mum was proud that I was being a man about this situation and my sister, Jess, is probably inside online shopping for baby cloths " Eliza chuckled. I helped her out of my range rover and led her into my mum's house. 

" Mum, this is Eliza " I told my mum as Eliza and I walked in the kitchen. 

" It's an honor to meet you, I'm Nathan's mum but you can call me Karen " My mum introduce herself as she walks over to Eliza and gives her a hug.

" And I'm Nathan's awesome, beautiful, amazing and smart sister Jessica but everyone just calls me Jess " Jess says as she shakes Eliza's hand. 

" It's an honor meeting the two of you, I amazed you guys took the new of the pregnancy well, My parents had a hard time accepting the situation and my brother well he probably still want's to kill Nathan " Eliza said with a small smile. 

" Wouldn't blame him, I would do the same " My mum mumbled as she took a sip of her cuppa. My jaw dropped. " Nathan picture your sister getting pregnant outside of marriage because of a one night stand " I look at Jess.

" She said if I didn't tell her, she would let me go to Paris for my friend, Candace, seventeen birthday next week and I am not risking my chances go to Paris " Jess said in her defence. 

" Eliza Hun, are you hungry? Wait hold that thought, you pregnant, I'll get you something quickly, how does eggs, bacon and some orange juice sound? " My mum asked Eliza 

" That sound so delicious right now " Eliza told my mum as she sat in one of the high stools next to my sister. 

My mum, Jess, and Eliza started to talk and they are getting along great so far. I felt my phone buzz, I noticed my mum sent me a text. Why did she text me? why could she not just tell me? I unlocked my phone and red the message. 

From Mum: She's a keeper

I smiled at the message before I put my phone back. There was knock at the door. I got up from my seat to answer the door. I open the door to reveal my granddad and grand-mum. 

" Nathan! " My grand-mum said as she hugged me followed by a hug from my granddad. 

" Nathan? who is at the door? " I heard Eliza's voice ask as she came into the view.

" Granddad, grand-mum this is Eliza, the girl that is going to have my baby in a couple of months " I said as I told them about the pregnancy. I think my grandparents were happy since they started to congratulate us on the baby. 

Over all today was a good day, everyone was happy and exited for the coming for the baby. By the end of the night My mum, Jess and Grand-mum started to plan a baby shower for Eliza. Eliza kept mouthing me 'Save me', I just shook my head a laugh before I joined my granddad in the living room to watch the football (soccer) game.


A/N- HEY! I got my new laptop! so I can update, hope you like it!!! I attempted to write Nathan's point of view! Also I have another story called 'Kiss Me' go check it out I posted chapter one!!!




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