Chapter 11: Kelly's Story & Advice

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Chapter 11:


"Oliver turns fifteen in a couple of weeks, I still have not spoken to my parent's, and lastly it's actually quite funny on the father" Kelly chuckled.

"Tell me, I have time" I said as I grabbed a chair. "Plus it may calm me down"

Kelly's P.O.V.

"Well okay then, I'll tell you the story, they Probably won't be done with Demi's make for at least another thirty minutes or so" I said as I took a deep breath in. I grabbed a chair and sat next to Eliza.



The sound of the bell went off telling us to get to class. I walked into the class room and found my seat; I put my bag n the chair next to me as I sat down. I looked up and saw my ex-boyfriend Luke come in the class with his arm around his new girlfriend, Vanessa. Another known as the school's slut. My heart hurt a little. Luke and I dated for about three almost four years and now he dumps me cause I got pregnant with his child. I felt my phone vibrate; I took it out and saw I had a message from the Kayla, the one taking care of my three month baby, Oliver.

Kayla: I'm here.

Me: Great, just get a pass from the office and come to my room, make sure Oliver if calm.

"Okay who did the project I told everyone to do" My English teacher asked the entire class. "Really people, I gave you guy's four week's to do this project and out of the 27 people that are in here only nine people did the assignment?"

"Thank you, Jessica, Eric, Ashley, Alex, Amber, Tom, George, Rachel, and Kelly for doing the assignment, as for everyone else you guys all get zero's" The class started to groan and complain, saying it's not fair.

"I don't care if you guy's think it's unfair, I gave you guy's four week's! The assignment would of not taken you more than a week to do, how hard can it be to find some pictures about the greatest but hardest moment in your life and put them in a power point? The assignment was an easy one hundred" My English the entire class.

"Well, for the people that did do the assignment, are still presenting, we're going in a random order, first up is... Kelly Winter" My English teacher said. Dang it, I wanted to be last. I took a deep breath before going into my bag and grabbing the U.S.B.. I walked up to the front of the class and got ready for my power point.

Calm down Kelly. it's going to be alright...

"The greatest thing that has ever happen to me is giving birth to my son, Oliver." I said. I switched the power point to the next slide; where there was a picture of Oliver when he was an hour old.

"I know that some of you think that I'm a slut or a whore, well I don't care what you think..." I switched the slide where there was a picture of Oliver and I; It was my first time holding him. "All I know is that from the moment I held Oliver in my arms, I knew that I made the right choice on going through the pregnancy"

I switched to another slide where it was a picture of me when I was nine months pregnant. "All throughout my pregnancy, I was alone, my parent's disowned me... It wasen't till I was about seven month's pregnant where I meet this young lady that goes by the name Kayla." I said as I switched the slide to a picture of Kayla holding Oliver right after I gave birth to him.

"Kayla was a house wife that had nothing better to do while her husband was a work, I met Kayla when I was at the store buying some food for myself, I was poor and I barley had any money to buy food and that is when Kayla gave me money; Her and her husband Chris took me when I had no one else to turn to"

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