Chapter 9: Do I like her? & First baby scan

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Chapter 9

Nathan's P.O.V.

(5 weeks later- February 21, 2013) 

The music began. I felt my hand shaking and sweating. The doors open and I saw her a really beautiful, white, puffy dress. She started to walked down the aisle; Everyone stood up and admired the bride walking. It took me a second to realize that I was the one getting married. What? What's going on here? The girl was now in front of me; she had a white thing over her face, it was a little transparent but I still could not tell who was behind it. 

"Do you, Nathan James Sykes, take her to be your wife?" The priest asked me.

"I do."I said. Well not really cause I had not control over my body nor did I have control on what I said. 

"Do you take Nathan James Sykes as you wedded husband?" 

"I do." Said the girl. I could not tell who she was by her voice. It sounded so familiar but I could not put my finger on it. 

"I now pronounce you man and wife, Nathan you may now kiss you bride" The priest said with a smile on his face. I took a deep breath before I removed the white thing away from her face. Once it was off I took one glace at the girl. Eliza? 

"Wake up Nath," Eliza said. 

"What?" I replied.

"Wake up" I still looked at her confused. I blinked a few times until... 

My eyes rapidly fluttered open. I sat up on my bed and took deep breath's. What was I just dreaming about? I was getting married? To Eliza? Don't get me wrong I think she is amazing but marriage? Do I like her? Who am I kidding? I spent the last five weeks with Eliza, I think... just maybe... I'm falling in love with her? 

"Nathan! I swear if you don't wake up I will cut off your manhood! We're going to be late for the first ultrasound!" I heard Eliza's voice outside my bedroom room.

Three weeks ago my mum and Eliza's mum advised us to live together for two reason's. One being we can be prepared for when the baby comes and two so Eliza and I can have a better relationship. After that we went to Eliza's uncle who was a restate agent helped us find a house in a week then a week after we moved in. Just yesterday we finish unpacking. 

I took a quick shower before I wrapped a towel around my waist. I grabbed a pair of jeans and some Calvin Klein boxers. I slipped on a pair of high tops and grabbed a random black shirt before leaving my room. I practically ran the stairs and into the kitchen putting my shirt on.

"Want something to eat?" Eliza asked me as she was eating a bowl of co-co puffs.

"Nah, I'm good, ready?" I asked as I grabbed my keys. Eliza nodded as she put her bowl in the sink and washed it quickly. "Let's go." I said before walking outside the house.  I stared up the engine as Eliza got in. 

~Thirty Minutes later~

We just arrived at the doctors office. I told El to go sit sit down while I get the paper work. When I received the paper work, I went to go sit down next to El. I gave Eliza the paper work so she could fill out her information.

I just starred at El; Her blonde brownish hair that was left down. Her lips when she started to bite her bottom lip. She's what you call perfect. I guess there is no denying that I am in love with Eliza. 

"Here Nath, can you go give it back to the woman at the counter? I would do it myself but my feet are so swollen up that I'm afraid I might fall down" Eliza said snapping me out of my thought. I nodded before I went to go give back the paper.

"Thank you sir, the doctor will be with you in just a few minutes" The mid-forty's lady that was behind the counter told me. I went back to sit with Eliza who was listing to music with her eye's shut. 

Eliza. I sound like a love sick puppy don't I? I have to ask El out. I guess my next mission is to find a romantic way to ask El out. I'll have to ask Max later; Max is like a genius when it comes to romance and girls. I, on the other hand suck at it.

"Ms.Edwards and Mr.Sykes!" A nurse called out our names.

"El, come on" I said as I got up and helped El up form the chair.

"Follow me please" The nurse who looked around mid or late twenties told us. El and I followed her to a room at the end of a narrow hallway. "The doctor will be with you in one minute, as of now Ms.Edwards can you please lay on the chair?" El nodded as she sat on the chair. "Okay, I'm going to put it back so you'll be almost lying down but not completely" The nurse presses a button and the chair goes back. The the nurse left without saying another word.

"This is so not comfortable" Eliza said as she tried to adjust herself in the chair. I chuckled. "Don't laugh at me, you jerk" 

"Sorry, i just can't help it" I said right before a woman wearing a white lab coat walked in the room with a clipboard in her hands. 

"Good morning, Mr.Sykes and Ms.Edwards, I'm Dr. Allen and I'll be your doctor for the next couple of months" Dr. Allen told us. "Lets get this started, Ms. Edwards please lift up your shirt a little bit so I can put on the blue gel on your stomach" El did as told as the doctor but the blue gel on her stomach. 

"Oh my God, it's so cold!" Eliza said as I noticed her hands sacking a bit. I grabbed her hand a bit to calm her down a bit. El smiled at me; that smile is so beautiful. I want our kid to have her smile. 

"Okay, here is you baby, looks like it healthy" Dr. Allen said "Now we can't tell what the sex is now but next time you come we will be able to" Dr.Allen continued as she showed us the baby. 

"It's so beautiful" I whispered tying to hold back the tears of joy. I'm going to be a dad in less than a year. I looked at the screen a little closer and I noticed two blob's next to our baby. "What is the two blobs next to the baby?" I asked. 

"It look's like you're going to be the parents of not just one nor two but THREE healthy baby's" Dr. Allen told us. 


A/N- HI EVERYONE! Sorry I have not updated in a while but I have had a lot of projects I had to complete; and I still have one more to do.

Guess who has two thumbs and is having a birthday coming up on the 23? Oh yeah it's me! 

Anyways, I want to thank jamminstylessykes for the idea of the chapter. I want to help her out to get more readers on her story. she has a story called "Awakening" it's a Harry Styles and Nathan Sykes fan fiction. So if you want go check that out. 

lastly there is a picture of the house that Nathan and Eliza now live in together!!! --------------->




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