Chapter 33: Baby Shower & Fat

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Chapter 33

Eliza's P.O.V.

Nathan and I have been back for a couple of days now and so far I still haven't had a chance to catch a break. Since we arrived my cousin Perrie has been coming over telling me everything about the baby shower she has planned. Apparently she "forgot" to tell me when the shower was; How can you have a baby shower without the pregnant woman? The date has been set for the past two weeks since we left to California and no one bothered to tell me.

I'm sitting in a sofa chair watching Perrie and her little staff putting the last decorations up. Nathan and Perrie's boyfriend Zayn are bringing in all the food while Siva and Tom are putting the 'It's a boy' and 'It's a Girl signs, lastly Max and Jay are fixing up the games with a little help of Nareesha and Kels.

"How do you like it?" Perrie asked me as she sat next to me.

"It looks really nice, with having your band and other stuff to do, where exactly did you find the time to plan all of this?" I ask as I look at her.

"It was difficult but I managed to plan it all and still be able to do my recording and stuff," Perrie told me. "Here is the list of people I sent and invite to and confirmed they were coming today," Perrie handed me a clipboard with names.

I glaceed at the list and noticed one name,"You got aunt Ella to come?! and with her daughters?" I ask in disbelief. "They never really come for a visit since they moved to Ireland, how in the world did you get them to come?"

"Well it was hard to convince her and I had to buy her round trip ticket from here to back home plus pay for her hotel," Perrie told me. "And she is a mother of now young teenage triplet girls she can give you some advice,"

"How old are Jenna, Jeanette, and Jennifer now? Last time I saw them was when I was ten and they were just recently turning seven,"

"There about sixteen now but Aunt Ella sent me a picture of them now and I swear they look older like nineteen maybe twenty, I don't even know if my eyes were fooling me or not but they look like it,"Perrie told me as I chuckled. I gave the list back to Perrie and let a deep breath out.

"I never thought that the first time I would be giving birth that I would have triplets," I tell Perrie. "I thought I would have single or maybe twins but triplets were never in the picture,"I continued.

"Well the rate for having twins and triplets in the Edwards family is pretty high," Perrie told me. "We have aunt Ella who has triplets, your brother who was almost a twin but died at birth, we have grandma who is a twin, grandpa was a set of triplets, my mom was about to be a twin but he died at birth just like your brother's twin and after that the list goes on and on,"

"Not to mention I only named one fourth of the Edwards family so if you all the entire family the rate is already about fifty-nine percent plus you add your mum's family," Perrie told me.

"Oh yeah, my cousin's Jack and Finn, my mum's sister is a twin, my great-grandma is a triplet, my mum's aunt is a twin and there are a few more i just cant name them," I say.

"So you have a fifty-nine percent chance just by being an Edwards and with your mum its probably another thirty-five percent and if you calculate that..." Perrie trailed off as she started to do the math. "Ninety-four percent! Man, that is really high, my percentage is at eighty-one, which is still high but not as high as yours," Perrie told me as the door bell ringed.

"People are here!" Perrie squealed as she got up to answer the door. "Aunt Emily!" I heard Perrie say before I saw my mum walk in.

"OH MY GOD! Look how fat my baby girl has gotten," My mom joke fully said as she came next to me to hug me.

"Thank you mum for calling me fat!" I told her as I reach out my arms and hugged her back.

"I'm kidding darling," My mum said. "Where do I put your present?" My mum asked.

"Where is the present mum?" I ask.

"Okay I'm about to loose my balance, so where do I put these?" I heard my dad's voice say as he walked in with three presents stacked on top of each other.

"You can put it down over there uncle," Perrie said as she pointed over to a table.

-1 Hour Later-

While the house was full of females the guys were outside with beer. "Okay I want every one to write a guess on how big is Ellie's bump is," Perrie said as she gave the lady's a piece of paper. "Ellie stand up so they can get a better look at you," I groan as I got up with the help of Jess and Perrie's band mate Jade.

"Can I predict when she will explode?! I say next week!" Sammie yelled.

"Don't you dare say that! I'm not ready to go through labor!" I say with a horrified look on my face.

"It's worse than you think! Especially since your having three, trust me I know," My aunt Ella said as she pointed to her daughters next to her.

"That by no means is helping this situation; It's only making it worse than it was before,"I told my aunt as she chuckled.

"Let's measure how big you El, lift up your arms,"Perrie told me. "Jessy did you calculate the numbers?" Perrie asked her band mate.

"I did and there are five people that said thirty-nine inches, six people that said forty-one, three people said forty-three, two people said forty-five, one said fifty-three and lastly one person said forty-seven," Jessy said.

"Mum? Really? What's with you calling me fat?" I asked my mum.

"Well Hun you look that big! and I was joking when I called you fat! Take a joke and besides I'm not the one that put forty-seven," My mum told me.

"Well who said forty-seven then?" Perrie asked as Jess' hand raised.


"Congratulations, you got the around the same measurement," Perrie told her. "She is actually forty-eight point three,"Perrie continued as she gave Jess a clothes clipper.

"I'm getting closer and closer to the grand prize!" Jess cheered.

"Wait, what is the grand prize?" I ask.

"I can be the the first person to hold all the baby's at the hospital, but after you and Nathan of course," Jess told me.

"Since when did I agree with that? I don't mind if you are the first one but when?" I asked.

"That's simple, you didn't agree with it cause you didn't know about the baby shower but Nathan agreed with it," Perrie said.

"Wait Nathan knew about the baby shower?" I ask.

"Yes, he knew about the shower but he didn't know about the date," Perrie told me. "Anyways, lets get back to the games!"


A/N-I'm posting because.... NATH IS ON TOUR!!!! Who is in the UK and going to see him???? if you are you are lucky as Siva... (Hehe that made me laugh) Anyways, we are like four chapters away from end and then this Summer somewhere around then hopefully I will be posting the sequel!!!!! Whoop Whoop!!!

In the next chapter you will be finding out the name of the sequel and the summery of it plus I will tell you more about it and how I plan to go with it so stay tune for the next chapter....





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