Chapter 35: Twitcam & Contractions

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Chapter 35

Eliza's P.O.V.

It's been two weeks since I was put into bed rest and Nathan has hated every second of it. No wonder Nathan always gets so exited when he has to go to the studio; It's the only time he can leave and put Kelsey in charge of me. 

"Okay so the pizza is going to be here in ten minutes," Kelsey told me as she sat next to me on the bed. "What movie are we going to watch and make sure it's not bad, Kayden is right there," Kelsey said as we look down to the floor to see Kayden playing with his toy cars.

"He is so cute," I say.

"Well he is related to me so he is going to be cute," Kelsey said acting a little bit cocky. "Anyways, we should watch mean girls," Kelsey suggested.

"One or two?" I ask. 

"I prefer one, I like it better than two," Kelsey said.

"Original is always better," I tell her as I found the movie on Netflix. "Did you get the pizza with the stuff crust, that is the only way I'll eat it,"

"Yeah, I made sure it was extra cheesy," Kelsey told me just as the door bell ringed. "That must be the pizza guy," Kelsey go up and went to answer the door. A second after Kelsey left my phone ringed. 

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the color ID. 

"Hey babe, are you alright?" I heard Nathan ask.

"If you are calling to ask if my baby sitter is doing her job, don't worry she is, she's right now getting the pizza from the pizza man," I tell Nathan. 

"Okay good, how are the babies?" Nathan asked.

"The same place they've been in for the past nine months," I tell him. "I want them out already, I want to get up from this bed, I want to go do something," I start to complain. I thought that being on bed rest and not having to do anything would be awesome but this is so boring.

"Don't worry, once the babies are born you will be able to go back to your normal self," Nathan tells me. "I have to go babe, talk to you later," I told Nathan bye before we ended the call.

"And pizza is here!" Kelsey came back into the room. "Sorry I took a while, I got the cups and a plastic plate for Kayden, he will be messy," Kelsey sat on the bed before she got a piece of pizza and gave it to Kayden. 

"Now we can start the movie," Kelsey said as she pressed the play button.

-After movie-

"Now what?" I ask Kelsey as she turned off the TV. 

"I don't know," I say as I lay my head back. "But I really want more food, I feel like I'm starving," I say as Kelsey laughed.

"I got one piece of pizza and Kayden got one and you ate the rest of the box," Kelsey reminded me. 

"It's not my fault that I have high chances in having triplets and being hungry all the time plus have the weirdest cravings, like last week I craved pickles and whip cream, which was really good," I say.

"How about we do a small twit cam," Kelsey suggested.

"Sure, I'll tweet it out and you can get it set up," I say as Kelsey nodded as she got my computer. I grabbed my phone off the table next to me.

@ElizaEdwards- I know that I haven't updated a video in forever, I have been busy with my pregnancy but I'm about to do a twit came with my friend Kelsey so tune in!!! XOXO P.S. ask us wired, dumb, funny questions!!!

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