Chapter 23: Surgery Appointment & Bye Kelsey

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Chapter 23

Eliza's P.O.V.

I kept pacing back a forth down right outside Nathan's and I hotel room. Currently Nathan and Nano are inside the room on the phone with the doctor making arrangements for the surgery. 

"Ellie you have to calm down, you can hurt the babies by being over stressed" Kelsey told me. "In fact lets go to Tom's and I hotel room so you can sit down and relax a bit" I was about to decline the offer but Kels grabbed my arm and pulled me into their room.

I whined a bit but quickly shut-up before I sat on the bed and laid down. "Feel better?" Kels asked as I nodded.

"So Kels have you made a decision on what you are going to do?"

"No, I was planning on telling Tom tonight about the situation and maybe he can help me decide you know, If he is okay with Kayden living with me from now on and we can still be together that will make my life so easy but knowing Tom and his tendency to be a bit stubborn, I don't ever see that happening"

"So you're afraid if you tell him that it may be the end of Tomsey?" I ask as I sit back up.

"Yeah..." Kelsey said. "Like I told you before, I love Tom with all my heart and I would always secretly imagine myself being Mrs. Tom Parker but with me having to make a decision on my son and the end of Tomsey or Let Tomsey continue and have my son out there hating on me for the rest of his life cause of one choice I made when I was young" 

"So wait you're going to pick your son?" I ask.

"I think I am... Cause like come on his my son, my little boy, the boy I went through twelve hours of labor for, the little boy I love with all my heart; I just wish Tom would accept this and let me be a mum to Kayden and we can still be together" Kelsey said before she fell back on her bed.

*Knock Knock*

"Who is it?" Kels asked. 

"It's Tom!" Kels quickly sat up.

"What if he heard us talking Ellie?" Kels whispered to me.

"It will be alright, I'll be here for you" Kels nodded before she open the door and Tom walked in. Tom pecked Kels' lips.

"Oh Ellie Nath is out of the meeting" Tom said before I rushed out of the room and into my room where Nathan was on the bed.

"So what is going on?" I ask as Nathan looked at me and pointed to the small white broad. 

The doctor said that the surgery will be on April eighteenth and I need to get back to California by the end of this week so I can have a check up before the surgery

"Wait isn't April eighteenth your birthday?" I ask as Nathan nodded. "Your having your surgery on your birthday?" I ask as I sat next to Nathan on our bed. Nathan took the white broad away from me and erased what was on it before he wrote again.

Yeah, it sucks I know but I have to do it and even though it hurts me that I might never sing again I have to be able to at least talk

"I get it... So when do we leave?" I ask.

Well the boys are going to continue to stay here and finish interviews and other stuff but I leave on the twelfth and you can come with if you want, you don't have to

"I would never leave my boyfriend to go through something like this by himself especially when he stuck by me when I told him I was pregnant and even more when we were told about having triplets" I said as I pecked Nathan's lips.

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