Chapter 6. Pool party.

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I get woken up to my phone vibrating on the table flashing Harry’s name. “Shit I’m sorry I fell asleep!” I say as I answer. “It’s alright I’m on my way to pick you up so hurry and get ready, be there soon” he says before hanging up. I quickly run to my room to apply my make up and get dressed.

 Within 5 minutes I hear a knock on the door “FUCK!” I scream as I run to the door to open it and back to my room, “I’m nearly ready I swear” I say as Harry enters my room laughing at my frantic state. “Calm down Beth, we have time.” He says before taking a seat on my bed as I run into the bathroom to finish applying my makeup. My phone starts ringing “Harry can you please answer that” I say as I apply my mascara “Hello? She’s getting ready at the moment” I hear him say as I finish and walk into my room and towards my wardrobe to change. “I’m taking her to a party this afternoon, you should come.” By that I assume it must be Cam who called “Okay see you soon” he says before hanging up, “that was Cam saying she’s on her way home and she is coming with us so we can’t leave without her” Harry laughs before handing me my phone. “Okay, what kind of party is it?” I ask as I walk into my wardrobe deciding what to wear “Wear some bathers and maybe a dress, it’s a pool party” Harry says sitting back on the bed texting on his phone, I close the wardrobe door so I can change. As soon as I’ve changed I open the door and Harry looks up with wide eyes, “You look gorgeous.” He says putting his phone in his pocket and standing up “Thank you” I smile back before walking to the couch to wait for Cam.

 I turn the TV on to the music channel and Harry takes a seat next to me. “So where is this party at anyway?” I ask turning to look at Harry, “My place” he says simply, “Oh, then shouldn’t you be there now won’t people be arriving?” I say curious as to why he is with me instead, “Eh my friends are there and I wanted to make sure you were coming” he smirks. “Didn’t trust me to turn up by myself hey?” I smile, “No, I knew you’d try to turn up I just thought you would get lost seeing you’re terrible with directions.” He laughs as he makes eye contact with me, all of a sudden he starts to lean in and before I knew it his lips were on lightly pressed to mine. It was only a gentle kiss but the feeling that it caused shocked me. I quickly pulled away as I heard the door open as Cam ran into her room, I quickly got up from the couch to avoid the awkwardness that sure to take over with Harry “I’m going to make sure she hurries” I smile shyly before making my way into Cam’s room. “Hurry up we have to go” I say to Cam as I enter her room “I’m just grabbing my bathers and we can go” she replies before running into the bathroom. I wasn’t going to tell her about the kiss because I would never hear the end of it so I left her to change and went back to the couch where Harry was still seated.

 Cam was talking about god knows what as we were driving to Harry’s place, I had zoned out till I caught Harry looking at me with a look screaming help me, I laughed before telling Cam to shut up. “Sorry grumpy pants” she replied before turning her gaze out the window without another word. The rest of the trip was thankfully quiet and Harry seemed to relax now that Cam wasn’t pestering him any longer.

 “Nice place!” Cam says as we pull up outside a cute, reasonably sized looking house. “Do you live by yourself?” I ask as we get out of the car “Nah, I live with a couple of mates Louis, Niall and Liam” Harry smiles as we walk up the steps to the house “It’s pretty clean considering 4 guys live here” Cam giggles as we walk into the semi crowded house. It’s bigger than what it looks like I think to myself as we enter the lounge “We are aware what cleaning is actually” Harry laughs as he leads us to the kitchen. “Here” Harry handed us red cups he had filled up for us “What is it?” Cam and I both ask before drinking it “Vodka and juice” he replies taking a sip of his own drink.

 After a few minutes of chatting Cam suddenly nudged me causing me to turn my attention to where she was pointing to an attractive guy she had spotted across the room. Harry must have noticed “That’s Liam, he’s single” he smirked at Cam. “Liam!” Harry calls him over before Cam can reply, “Liam this is Cam and Beth” Harry smiles, “Nice to meet you both, Harry has told us so much about you both especially you Beth” Liam says just as Harry elbows him and tell him to shut up. “Where are the other boys?” Harry questions trying to change the subject which makes me giggle at his embarrassment “I think Louis and Zayn are with the girls by the pool and Nialler is probably around hitting on some poor girls.” Liam laughs as he takes a sip from his cup “Let’s go to the pool” Harry says grabbing my hand, leading me towards the back door, I turn to make sure Cam is following which she is walking behind slowly chatting to Liam which makes me smile.

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