Chapter 10. Unexpected visitor.

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I seem to have developed a habit of waking up to ringing phones “Gaaaaaah” I moan before reaching for my phone to see the caller ID, I glance at Harry to see him still sound asleep before I sneak out into the lounge so I don’t wake him up. “Hey Dyl, what’s up?” I say as I enter the kitchen to get myself some breakfast “I have a surprise for you, check your front door” he says “okay...” I make my way towards the front and when I open it I squeal with excitement when I see Dylan standing in the doorway. “What are you doing here” I say as I launch myself into his arms. “Thought it was about time I came to see my best friend, also I have some news for you” he says while I let go of him “well come in and relax it’s a long trip here” I laugh as I lead Dylan into the lounge room “how long are you staying?” I ask taking a seat on the couch next to Dylan, “I was hoping to stay for a month if that’s okay with you? Cam already said it was fine” he calming says turning to face me “Wait Cam knew and didn’t tell me?!” I half shout, Dylan starts laughing “we wanted to surprise you” I scowl at him “you know I hate surprises” I frown as I hear Harry enter from my room, “Oh Dylan this is Harry, Harry this is my best friend Dylan” I smile “nice to finally meet you man, Cam has told me a bit about you” Dylan says as Harry places his hand out for Dylan to shake “Wait what has Cam said?” I quickly jump up from the couch, “nothing bad babe” Dylan laughs before wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into him.

 Harry P.O.V

 I can’t help the jealously that is thriving within me when this guy hugs Beth. “I’m going to go shower and then I’ll take you too work” I say to Beth as I walk into her room, don’t get me wrong the guy seemed nice but I just couldn’t help the jealousy that came with meeting him.

 I hear the bathroom door open as I’m in the shower “Harry, are you okay?” Beth says as I hear her take a seat on the toilet, “Yeah, I’m fine why?” I reply with hot water cascading down my body “I don’t know, you just seem to be acting a bit weird...” I pull the curtain back and step out of the shower tying a towel around my waist, i grab Beth’s hands and pull her to stand in front of me “I’m sorry babe, I’m fine I was just half asleep” I place a gentle kiss to her lips “Ready? We should get going to work” I say walking into her room to change. “Yeah just need to get my phone and we can go” she smiles before walking into the lounge.

 Beth P.O.V

 “I’ve got work and Harry is going home so you can sleep in peace” I laugh to Dylan as I enter the lounge “you can have the spare room, it’s down the hall second door on your right, I’ll be home at about 4 so call me if you need anything” I say as Harry comes out of my room fully dressed. “Nice to meet you mate” He says to Dylan, shaking his hand before walking towards the door. I smile to myself “I’ll see you later, maybe we could go out for dinner tonight or something” I say to Dylan before closing the door and walking to Harry’s car.

 “We should invite the boys for dinner tonight” I say as we start the short drive to work. “Yeah that’s sounds nice, I’ll ask them when I get home and message you what they say” Harry says with a smile, “Okay, so do you like Dylan?” I ask, I would really like if they got along. “Yeah he seems like a good guy” he turns to smile at me before returning his focus back to driving as we pull up outside my work. “I’ll pick you up when you finish” Harry says before leaning over and giving me a quick kiss to my lips. “Okay I’ll see you later then” I smile as I get out of the car and make my way into work.

 “How was dinner with Harry?” Cam questions as I enter work. “It was good, how was your night with Liam?” I wink as I put my apron “good everyone was out actually so we watched movies and he cooked me dinner” she replies ignoring my wink, “aw that sounds cute” I say just as Brie comes out from the back, “Hey I hear you and Harry are together, congratulations!” she says and I turn to Cam who is trying not to laugh, “actually no we aren’t, we are just friends.” I reply before throwing a plastic cup at Cam. “That’s what they all say” Brie cheekily remarks before serving the waiting costumer.

 After 5 hours of getting quizzed about Harry and I, it’s finally the end of my shift. “As much as I’ve loved chatting to you two I’m finished and Cam we are going out for dinner tonight, you’re welcome to come to if you’d like to Brie” I say as I grab my phone to check if I have any messages, “I’m going to my friends birthday actually but maybe another time” Brie smiles as she packs up the coffee machine. “Well I have to go-” I start before I am cut off by Cam “Is that Harry’s car out the front?” she smirks before starting to walk to the door. “Uh... well yeah... he’s ah, taking me to the mall.” I stutter as I race to beat Cam to the door before she can embarrass me somehow. “I’ll see you at dinner, don’t be late!” I say running to Harry’s car, I open the door but quickly shut it again as I hear Cam yell “You better not have had sex in my bed last night or shit will go down” I can feel the blush rising on my cheeks as I turn to see Harry smirking and rolling down his window to reply, “You’ll never know if we did or not” he laughs as I open the door and get in, I feel so embarrassed. “Can we go before she says something worse?” I ask looking out of the windscreen, “Of course babe” Harry smiles before driving off.

 It surprisingly only took half an hour to get everything I need from the mall usually when I go with Cam it takes a lot longer..

“Do you need to go home before we go to dinner?” I ask as Harry pulls up outside my apartment, “Um I don’t think so” he checks he has everything “Do you want to stay here then?” I shyly smile “Sure do” he laughs as we make our way up to the apartment. As I enter the kitchen there’s a note on the bench from Cam saying she took Dylan out and that they would meet us at the restaurant. “Do you want to watch a movie?” I ask as I feel Harry’s arms wrap around my waist, “Well seeing as we are alone I had something else in mind” he says with a cheeky smirk plastered on his face before hungrily pushing his lips against mine, lifting me onto the bench to stand between my legs. I lift my hands above my head signaling for Harry to lift my shirt off, he smirks wasting no time, my hands find their way to his belt undoing it quickly, pulling his shirt off as I bring my hands back up to rest around his neck. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist without breaking the kiss, as he kicks open my bedroom door placing me on my back on the bed, I pull my jeans off as does Harry and pull myself up on the bed before Harry climbs on top of me pressing his lips against mine once again, I can feel him hardening against me as he holds me up to remove my bra, I reach down to his boxers and yank them down his legs as he does the same with my knickers before reaching for his jeans to grab protection I assume, he rips the packed open with his mouth before throwing it to the ground, “Can I put it on?” I giggle as he hands me the condom, “I like a girl in control” He cheekily says as I roll the condom down his throbbing erection. Harry wastes no time in gently pushing me back onto the bed, “ready?” he says as I wrap my legs around his waist pushing into his thighs with my heels, I nod before he begins thrusting in and out of my gaining speed, I try to muffle my moans but I can’t keep myself from screaming his name as I get close to my high, I can feel Harry is getting close to by the way his arms are stiffening around me. He lazily smiles as I scream his name again as we both reach our highs, he collapses onto me as I feel him release into the condom.

 “Well that was... nice” I smirk as I dig my head into Harry’s neck, “Nice, Just nice?!” he asks shocks as I burst out laughing, “I’m joking, it was amazing” I say still laughing, “oh you’re funny aren’t you” he says as he starts tickling me, I still myself and he stops shocked and I just smile, “I’m not ticklish” I giggle as I get up from the bed to grab my clothes. “Even I’m ticklish” Harry laughs as he wraps the sheet around his waist and goes into the kitchen, “What the fuck” I hear Harry loudly say, I quickly grab his shirt off the ground and chuck it on before walking into the lounge to see Cam and Dylan sitting on the couch trying to hide their laughter. “When did you guys get back?” I manage to choke out as I feel my cheeks flush, “About 5 minutes ago” they start laughing and Harry walks back towards my room with a small smirk on his face and I just stand they embarrassed that Cam and Dylan had heard us.  

Authors note: I'm sorry that I write in such long paragraphs, I write in a word document and then post it on here so I don't have any spelling errors and yeah my bad. I hope you're enjoying the story, vote and comment and stuff, please give me some feedback cause I don't know if anyone is even reading but yeah I'd love to hear your feedback :)

I'll be updating tomorrow, I've started the chapter but it's 3:30am and I'm exhausted so it will be up sometime tomorrow fore sure! xxx

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