Chapter 5. Past Heartbreak.

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 I could tell Beth was on edge about telling me why she didn’t date and I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable so I suggested we watch another movie before she decides whether she wants to tell me or not. We were watching Beths favorite movie ‘she’s all that’ it was old but she assured me it was great, we are about halfway through as Beth suddenly blurts out “I had my heart broken, and I got left behind a lot, so I gave up on relationships.” She begins to say as tears start to well up in her eyes I place my hand in hers to try and comfort her and she smiles at my small gesture and continues, “I met this guy Zac, through my friend and I thought he was absolutely perfect. Only problem was we hadn’t properly met, we’d only ever spoken over the internet. We started to really like each other so we decided to meet, it was the most perfect night when we met I’d never been so happy he was even better in person. That was the night I knew I had fallen for him, I’d never felt the way I did about him about anyone before which scared me. Knowing that he could easily leave and just take all my happiness away with him though he always assured me he wouldn’t and that he loved me more than anything and wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, that was until one day he started acting different and becoming distant like he was hiding something from me but I ignored it thinking I was just overreacting which I did a lot due to my insecurities. Anyway one day I decided to surprise Zac with dinner but when I got to his place, I found him in bed with a girl who I thought was my friend.” I leaned forward to wipe away the tear leaving her eye as she kept talking “I couldn’t believe what I saw at first I just walked out with Zac chasing me telling me it wasn’t what it looked like I laughed at him before getting in my car and driving away. He called me about 30 times that night but I wouldn’t answer so when Cam came home and I’d told her what happened we decided to go out and have a good night to take my mind off Zac. However when we got to the club Zac’s brother Chris was there, he knew we had broken up but not why and I decided it was best to keep it that way. As the night went on the more drunk we got, and I don’t remember how it happened but the next morning I woke up naked laying next to an also naked Chris in a hotel room. I called Cam who came and got me, I was so ashamed that I haven’t spoken to Chris since. The next night I was planning on just staying in but somehow Cam convinced me to go out again to a different club this time so we wouldn’t know anyone, but with my luck Zac’s best mate Jason was there and the same thing happened again, I’d woken up in the same predicament only this time I felt sick and I couldn’t remember anything at all from the previous night. I went to the doctors on my way home and Cam met me there, we found out I had been drugged and that’s why I felt so terrible and couldn’t remember anything. I’ve never been clubbing since and when I drink I am terribly protective of my drink. Zac must have found out because he stopped calling me and started texting me nasty things so I changed my number and that’s when I finally moved here. I was planning on moving earlier but with I didn’t want to leave Zac and he wouldn’t move so when all that happened I finally saw my chance to start fresh.” She smiles at the thought even though she still has tears dripping down her face. “That’s why I have trust issues so bad and why I shut most people out, except Cam that is” she started to smile as she brought up Cam which made me smile, “She forced her way in, she didn’t let me push her away and she always stuck by me. She has been my best friend ever since and I wouldn’t have it any other way, she has made me a stronger person and has helped me through so much that I don’t know what I’d do without her. She understands why I don’t like relationships and respects that, which I love.” She finishes as she wipes the tears that escaped her eyes. “Not everyone is going to hurt you, you know.” I say to her to try and convince her that I won’t hurt her. “I know, it’s just hard when you’ve been hurt so much in the past, it makes you question who actually cares and who doesn’t.” She turns back to the movie, I keep my eyes on her for a minute before also turning my attention back to the movie. “Everyone has a past and I’d never judge you because of it, no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. And that guy is a douche for letting a girl as amazing as you slip through his fingers.” I say without taking my eyes off the TV screen. “Thank you” she says pressing a sweet kiss to my cheek before her attention back to the movie with a slight smile on her face.  


 By the time the movie finishes I notice Harry has fallen asleep I giggle to myself as I place a blanket on him “goodnight Harry.” I say before going to my room. I make my way towards my bathroom to brush my teeth when I hear my door open and turn to find Cam standing in the doorway with a smirk on her face “Can I help you?” I ask before placing my toothbrush in my mouth. “What happened after I left? I put headphones in so I wouldn’t have a chance at hearing anything but I saw the light turn off.” She laughs to herself as she sits on the toilet, “I told him why I don’t date and he called me amazing, then he fell asleep” I say calmly even though I want to let out my excitement I keep it contained. “Aw that’s cute, you two would make a cute couple.” She winks at me while I rinse, I scowl her as I make my way to bed “turn the light off when you leave please” I say to Cam before getting into bed. “Who said I was leaving?” she turns off the light “What are you doing?” I ask her as she gets into my bed with me “I couldn’t sleep so I’m sleeping with you.” She says simply “goodnight” “Oh goodnight” I reply before drifting off to sleep.

 When I wake up Cam is still asleep next to me so I decide it’s the perfect time to get her back for last night. As silently as I could trying not to wake Cam or Harry up I noticed Cam’s shoes near the door as I entered the lounge room and ran into the kitchen to get some jam then walked back to Cams shoes and placed the jam inside giggling at my genius idea. I walk back to the kitchen and fill a glass full of water, Harry is still asleep on the couch snoring slightly he looks so adorable. I walk towards my door quickly glancing at Harry once more before tiptoeing over to Cam and pouring water right in her face before I sprint into the bathroom locking the door behind me, hearing Cam scream I start laughing and slide down the door. I hear her make her way towards the door trying to open it “You bitch, open the door!” she yells I just keep laughing and don’t respond to her “Fine, I’ll just get you back you least expect it babe.” I can tell she has a smirk on her face by the way she said that and I start to worry a little but relax when I hear her footsteps leaving the room. So I decide to have a shower before I face her again.

 When I walk out into the lounge after my shower I notice Harry sitting on the balcony reading the paper but no Cam which makes me wonder what she is up to. I decide to get my cornflakes and sit outside with Harry, the weather seems nice enough. “Good morning, sorry for falling sleep on your couch” Harry says as I take a seat next to him “oh that’s fine, probably better you did rather than driving if you were so tired” I smiled back, “Where did Cam disappear to?” I question, my curiosity getting the better of me “Uh I don’t know she just said she had to go out. Why did she scream and then come out of your room soaking wet and why did you put jam in her shoes?” I nearly spit my cornflakes out but I control my laughter before that happens, I quickly chew before answering Harry “I poured water on her face to wake her up as pay back for being an asshole last night” I say laughing “What great pay back” Harry says laughing along with me. Just as Harry is about to say something else his phone starts ringing from inside “Hang on a minute” he says before going to get his phone. I stare out at the beautiful view of the balcony and I still can’t believe I am actually in London, I am so happy we made here though. Harry suddenly snaps me out of my day dream “Sorry I have to go help a friend, he’s having a party this afternoon would you like to come?” He asks as he grabs my now empty bowl taking it back inside, “I could have done that you know?” I say following him back inside “I know but I wanted to, so will you come?” “Sure” I smile, “Great I’ll text when I’m on my way back” Harry plants a kiss on my cheek before leaving. I collapse onto the couch thinking about how sweet Harry is, maybe I should give him a chance maybe he won’t leave me or hurt me and before I know it I’m fast asleep dreaming about Harry.

Authors note: I rewrote this chapter a bit, the back story is now different and I feel it is better. I hope you like it better :)

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