Chapter 2. New job.

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“Beth wake up you lazy bitch, we’re starting work today. You don’t want to be late on the first day!!” Cam yells as she throws numerous things at me to wake me up. “Alright I’m up, I’m up!” I yell back just as another pillow hits me.

 Today was our first day at our new job, waitressing at a small coffee shop just around the corner from our apartment. We were there yesterday just as a trial to get to know what we would have to do and get used to it a little before we actually started, it wasn’t very hard however well for me as I’ve been waitressing for over a year now. Cam not so much, she was struggling a little bit but I told her once she got used to it she would be fine.

 It was halfway through the shift and Cam had given up as she had already had milk explode on her and she slipped on the floor so she went into the back to do dishes instead which she was much more comfortable with doing. I stayed out the front taking orders from the costumers, I was shocked when I spotted a guy who looked a hell of a lot like Harry styles from One Direction, I was sure it wasn’t though as he wasn’t surrounded by screaming girls I thought as I laughed to myself and continued taking an order.

 Just as I was about to serve the Harry styles look alike I heard a crash coming from the kitchen and turned to see Cam staring down at the cutlery she had just dropped all over the floor. She looked near to tears, I turned back to the guy and asked him to hold on a second as I went and quickly helped Cam pick up the cutlery and told her to come and help me take orders which she was fine with doing. Her nerves just kept getting the better of her which I hated seeing as she would be doing fine if she wasn’t so nervous about doing things wrong.

 “Here Cam take this order and then I’ll show you how to make it.” I said with a smile as she started to calm down. “Okay that I can actually do without stuffing up haha” she said as she turned back to the costumer. “Sorry about that sir, how can I help you?” she said without looking up from the computer. “That’s fine love, it’s tough being new but at least you have your lovely friend to help you out” he said as he shot me a cheeky grin. Cam laughed as she looked at me and said “maybe you should take this order and ill do the next one.” With a suspicious smirk on her face before coming over to me and giving me a small nudge towards the counter. I eyed her before turning to take his order.

 “Hello, I’m Harry it’s nice to meet you beautiful.” He smiled at me showing off his adorable dimples. “I’m Beth, how can I help you?” I replied with a small smile playing on my lips. “Well as you don’t know my regular order, I’ll get a hot chocolate and a banana muffin please.” “Sure, was that all today?” “Yes thanks love.”

 After he paid I walked over to where Cam was at the coffee machine, “he was so flirting with you!” Cam excitedly whispered to me as I reached her, “Oh he was not, now pay attention so I don’t have to show you how to make this again.” I scowled her, “Sure, whatever you say” she remarked. She was proud after making the hot chocolate and not making a mistake which I was glad of as it boosted her confidence and she really needed it.


 As I waited for my order to be ready I couldn’t stop looking at the new waitress. I’ve never seen someone so beautiful, and how kind she was helping her friend out was adorable. I could see them whispering as they made my order, I over heard her friend comment “he was so flirting with you!” a little bit louder than I think she was meant to which earned her a scowl from Beth, I laughed a little when I noticed.  

 I decided to go chat to the girls while they made my drink as the shop wasn’t busy, there wasn’t anyone else wanting to order. “So did you girls just start today, I haven’t seen you two before?” I asked as I wondered over to them. “Yeah, we just moved here and needed to get a job and this place looked like a good place. I’m Cam by the way.” Beth’s friend said with a small smile as Beth scowled at Cam telling her to concentrate on the milk. “Sorry, she just always seems to make the milk explode if she doesn’t concentrate” Beth giggled as Cam elbowed her. “Turn it off now or it will explode again.” “Again?” I questioned Beth’s statement. “Cam had-” “okay and it’s off now what?” Cam cut Beth off obviously embarrassed by what Beth was about to say.

 “All done sir, Enjoy” Cam said with a smile as she handed me my order clearly happy that she make the drink without making a mistake. Just before she let go she pointed to a number she had obviously written on the cup, and whispered “she’s single, give her a call” and winked before looking over at Beth who was cleaning the coffee machine up after Cam had made a hell of a mess. I let out a small laugh “Yeah maybe I will, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said before leaving the coffee shop to go to a meeting with management.


 “What are you smirking about?” as Cam returned from giving Harry his order. “Oh nothing, are you finished cleaning so we can go?” she replied. “Uh yeah just one second.” I wasn’t satisfied with her answer but I couldn’t be bothered with making her tell me, I just wanted to go home and sleep.

 As we walked home from our first day of work, Cam suggested we have a girl’s night with Chloe. “Yeah that sounds like a good idea, we can order pizza and watch sappy romance movies” I laughed as Cam dialed Chloe’s number to ask.

 Chloe had agreed and was picking the pizza up on her way over to our place. Cam and I had set the lounge up with pillows and blankets so we wouldn’t get cold as we didn’t have a working heater yet. “Cam, I’m going to quickly run to the store to grab some ice-cream and lollies I shouldn’t be too long.” “Okay don’t forget to get me marshmallows please!” Cam replied just as I was leaving.

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