Chapter 11. Night out.

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 Harry was driving us to the restaurant, there has been an awkward silence from Beth and Harry ever since we came home early and heard them having sex. “So did you guys use protection?” I can’t control my laughter anymore, Dylan and I both burst out laughing “Shut the fuck up, you’re not funny.” Beth snaps clearly annoyed. “Chill out it was a joke” I say as she removes her hand from Harry’s. “I know but this making things awkward shit is getting old now...” She hesitantly replies glancing at Harry then back out the window, “Okay I’ll stop” We pull up outside the restaurant we all get out of the car, Beth grabs Harry’s hand and pulls him into the restaurant leaving Dylan and I standing outside dumbfounded, “Well you must have really pissed her off” Dylan says as we walk into the restaurant “Yeah maybe I did take the whole “use protection” shit to far, I’ll make it up to her she never stays mad at me” I smile as we reach the table where everyone is already seated, I take a seat next Liam and Dylan sits on my other side next to Niall.

 Beth didn’t say much at dinner, she is never like this and I’m starting to get worried, it has to be something else the matter with her, she wouldn’t be like this over me teasing her.

 “Let’s go clubbing!” Eleanor and Louis suggest as we all stand outside the restaurant after finishing our meal. “Yeah we’re up for it” Zayn, Perrie, and Niall all agree, “What about you guys?” Louis gestures towards Beth, Harry, Liam, Dylan and myself. Harry looks at Beth, she nods while rolling her eyes she’s never really been one for clubbing especially since all that shit with her ex. “Yeah” I say for myself, Liam and Dylan as we all start our walk to the club, I grab Beth’s hand and pull her back while the group continues, “What’s wrong?” she looks at me like she’s going to cry before glancing back to everyone to make sure they were far enough ahead, “come on out with it” I say, “I’m late” she says “and I’ve put on weight” tears start to fall from her eyes, “how late are you?” I ask, “A week” I grab her hand and pull her into the nearest convenience shop to get a pregnancy test. Dylan comes in after us “Hey are you two coming?” luckily we weren’t in the test section yet, “yeah we just have to get something we’ll catch up” I smile and Dylan goes back out with the others and they keep walking.

 “What’s it say?” I ask through the door of the convenience store toilet, “not pregnant” she says relieved swinging the door open and giving me a huge hug. “If you were, whose would it be?” I cautiously ask and her face falls. “I...I don’t know that’s why I was so upset. It could have been Zac’s, Chris’ or Jason’s” tears are falling down her cheeks as she speaks “Luckily you’re not then hey” I saying trying to lighten up the mood. She smiles slightly as we exit the shop and make our way to the club.


 “You okay babe?” Harry asks as Cam and I catch up to everyone, “Yeah I’m fine” I smile placing a slight kiss to his lips as we enter the club.

 When we enter the club it is packed full of people like clubs usually are. Harry has a tight grip on my hand as we head over to the bar, we have already lost everyone as we reach the bar. Harry takes a seat and pulls me to stand between his legs while we order drinks, “What can I get for you two?” the bartender asks, before I can say anything Harry speaks for me, “two tequila shots thanks” the bartender gets our drinks, “Make it four” Louis says walking up to us with Eleanor on his arm. “Come dance” El grabs my hand after downing the shots, and drags me onto the dance floor with Harry and Louis following close behind.

 We have been dancing for around an hour now and I’m starting to get tired, Louis and El went off somewhere and I haven’t seen anyone else since we arrived, Harry keeps getting me drinks “If I didn’t know better I’d swear you are trying to get me drunk” I giggle clearly intoxicated “I’m definitely not” he says as he leans in to kiss me. I move my hands to Harry’s belt and he pulls back to look at me with a smirk, I giggle “Bathroom?” I ask grabbing his hand and dragging him into the female bathroom luckily there’s no one else in there. I pull him into the stall farthest from the entry, pulling the door closed behind us. I go straight for his belt yanking his pants and boxers down to his ankles as he lifts my skirt up and pulls my knickers down, lifting me onto him as he starts thrusting in and out of me. I hear the door to the toilets open and I quickly clamp my hand over Harry’s mouth to muffle his moans. “Beth, are you in here?” I hear Cam’s voice getting closer to the stall, “Um yeah I’ll be out in a sec” I try to say normally but it comes out as more of a moan as Harry is still thrusting into me, “Is Harry in there with you?” I hear a smirk in her voice “No isn’t he still dancing?” I say just before Harry thrusts into me harder making me bite into his shoulder to contain my moan and I feel him smile into my hand “No anyway hurry up we all want to go back to the apartment.” she says as I hear the door close, I remove my hand from Harry’s mouth just as he lets out a throaty moan and I feel him release into the condom and it sends me over the edge as well.

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