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The fog cleared, and revealed what seemed to be the exact place we came from.
"It didn't work, we're still in Storybrooke." I said confused.
"Oh I assure you we are not in Storybrooke. But I do wonder about the sudden change of decor down here." Rumple replied.
The Underworld was quite opposite of what I had expected. It was an exact replica of Storybrooke, with the exception of demolished buildings, a broken clock tower, and a sky redder than blood.
"So how do we find Hook?" Emma asked.
"Everyone here, well besides us, has a gravestone down here. Find it, and you can find him."
"Well, alright then. Let's go." Snow replied.
"I will not be attending, I have some..."business" to attend to. ____ you may be interested in tagging along."
I looked at the rest with worried eyes.
"...if you want I can come with." Emma responded.
"No, it's okay. Go find Hook." I assured her.
"Okay, well you know where to find us." Prince Charming added.
I gave a slight smile and nodded before following Rumple down the road.
We came across a pawn shop with a sign that read: Mr. Gold- Pawnbroker & Antiquities Dealer
"Who's Mr. Gold?" I questioned.
"I am." He replied before stepping through the door.
The ship was full of seemingly useless objects, then a thought occurred to me that they're probably all magic related. It was silent, the only noise coming from the bell that hung on the door when Rumple opened it. There was an ominous stillness about the shop, as if we weren't the only ones in it. Rumple walked over behind the counter and began to open a safe.
A familiar voice uttered
"Looking for something?"
I turned and saw him there. There were so many things to say, so many things to catch up on.
"Pan!" I shouted as I ran towards him, but he didn't respond...he didn't even look at me.
"Peter Pan, well I certainly wasn't looking for you." Rumple replied.
"Keep looking as long as you'd like...but down here, this is my shop. You won't find anything unless I want you to."
"Be careful with your threats."
"Or what? You'll kill me again?"
My mind flashed back to that horrible moment, and I tried to shake it away.
"Pan, why are you ignoring me?" I said stepping directly in front of him. Again, he didn't respond. He didn't even seem to notice I was there. Rumple glanced at me quickly then back at Pan.
"Is this what you're looking for?" Pan asked holding up a vial. He set it down on a table.
"Go ahead, take it."
"How generous, how many strings are attached?" Rumple replied.
"No strings."
"If you think I'm going to bring you back, it's never going to happen."
"I miss the world above. The tastes, the smells—"
"Sorry, you can't come back."
"Pan! Don't listen to him! I came here to get you!" I shouted again, but for the third time, he seemed ignore my existence. Pan waved his hand and he vanished in a cloud of purple smoke.
"What the hell was that?! Why couldn't he see me?!" I yelled at Rumple.
"I put a cloaking spell on you. I didn't want him to know you were here just yet."
"Why in the bloody hell would you want that?!"
"We need you as a resource, in case Pan tries to pull any schemes."
"So that's just what you brought me down here for? A source of blackmail?"
"Pretty much, dearie."
"I'm talking to Pan! Whether you like it or not!" I replied before running out of the shop and into the street to find the others.

*Words italicized were written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and featured in the twelfth episode of season five of Once Upon A Time on ABC, entitled "Souls of the Departed."

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