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As I drew closer to Main Street, I noticed the portal was on its last dregs of life. There seemed to be people still coming out of it. Zelena with her baby and...Hades.
"Oh shit," I said to myself.
It was really my problem anymore, though. Once I changed the book and rescued Pan, we would get the hell out of this place.
Shortly after, the rest of the group came through; the portal closing only seconds later. I walked up to Henry and said,
"Violet's looking for you."
He smiled,
"Yeah, she's over that way." I said while pointing.
As he was distracted I used magic to open his bag and grab the book, which I then hid by casting a cloaking spell.
"Thanks, I'm gonna go now," he said eager to leave.
"No problem."
He ran off and I looked behind me to make sure no one had seen what I'd done. I teleported to the library and laid the book out on the table. I flipped to the blank pages in the back and took a deep breath. I had to choose every word carefully:
"As ___ stood in the dim Storybrooke library, Peter Pan escaped the clutches of death and was reborn not in darkness, but in light. They were once again reunited."
Nothing happened at first, and for a while I'd feared my plan wouldn't work. The fear vanished as bright, blinding beams of light shot out of the library, and my eyes rested upon Pan's face again.
He stood there and looked at his surroundings. A thousand thoughts began to race through my head. What if he doesn't remember me? What if he didn't want to be with me after I had taken away his dark powers?
I walked in front of him and said softly,
After a while he smiled and rolled his eyes,
"___, I told you not to call me that."
I laughed as a tear ran down my cheek. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips against mine.
He waved his hand and we were at the top of the clock tower. The sun was lowering and the sky was a bright orange. He looked at his hands and said,
"There' more dark magic."
I looked up at him,
"Are you mad?"
He looked deeply into my eyes and replied,
"How can I be mad when you've given me the best thing I could ever ask for?"
"Light magic?"
"No, a life with you."
I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder.
"There's one more thing I have to tell you," I said.
"What is it?"
"I still have magic..."
"I don't care. As long as I'm with you."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"So...what now?"
He was silent in thought for a while, until he said,
"I think we should go back to Neverland. The lost boys still need to be found."
"You mean...take them back to their families?"
"If I can, if not then they still need someone to guide them."
"What do you think they're up to?" I said thinking about Felix and Jacob.
He waved his hand and an orb of light appeared. I peered into it and saw Neverland again.
The thick trees.
The starry sky.
And the new King of Neverland...

Author's Note:
Hey! Hope you enjoyed the end of this book! Sorry about the cliffhanger, hehehe. The third book in this series will be coming out soon so keep an eye out. The third book will be called "Pan: Return to Neverland" and I will answer any questions you may have about this book and about the release of the third book. Thanks so much for all your votes, comments, and support, and I'll see you in Neverland!
-thecatgurl =^._.^=

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