The Quill

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"What's this?" I asked Henry while pointing to the new page about me and Pan.
"It's...a new page. I'm sorry, I would've shown you but I didn't want to hurt your feeli-"
"How did you write w new page if you don't have the quill?"
"Well, that's the thing. I found it."
"What? Where?" I said excitedly.
"In the forest while I was...helping someone."
"Can I watch you use it?"
"It's kinda random and pretty uneventful."
"Still, I want to see how it works. It's fascinating."
I faked an interested smile and he smiled.
"Okay, next time something comes up I'll be sure to tell you."
The weeks went on and I grew impatient. There was only so much time left down here. While Henry was away, I opened the desk drawer and saw the quill there. I hesitantly picked it up and dipped it into the ink. I hovered the quill over the book page for a while, my hand shaking with guilt while I contemplated whether I was really going to do this or not. Finally, I wrote:
____ then gained the ability to do light magic.
I heard footsteps and turned around to see Henry.
"What are you doing?! Get away!"
I dropped the quill and stood up.
"Henry, I'm sorry. I was just wondering if it would work if I-"
He looked at what I wrote and the anger on his face turned to curiosity. 
" you?" He asked.
"I don't know...I haven't tried yet."
I picked up the compass and waved my hand over it. It glowed and the red dial began to point me in the right direction.
"That's impossible." Henry said with a complexed look. He examined the page and quill.
"I'm the author, it should've only worked for me," he added.
"Does that mean I'm an author too?"
"I guess so..."

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