Fully Honest

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I figured if I didn't know where Henry had hidden the quill, I could at least check the book for any clues. It's getting the book from Henry that I wasn't sure I could do, without being more aggressive.
I entered where Pan and I were staying and saw him on the bed with his eyes closed.
I looked at him oddly and said,
"I know you're not asleep. You don't sleep."
He opened his eyes and said,
"It couldn't hurt to try. I miss it...sleep."
"Isn't there like a spell or potion or something for that?"
"You can't fix everything with magic...again why I'm against you having it."
"I'm not hurting anyone." I said defensively.
"Yet." He added.
I lied down next to him and said,
"Why don't you trust me with magic?"
"I...just don't want you to be like me..."
He kissed my cheek and added,
"I'm also still a little suspicious about how you got it."
I sighed,
"Yeah, I knew this would come up again. Although I thought I could get away with this one this once."
He laughed,
"Not quite. Now give me the real reason you now have magic."
"I told you, I got it from the author."
He was sitting up now,
"I fail to see why Henry would give you magic. There's no logic behind it, you're not being fully honest here."
I sat up to look at his now annoyed and hurt face,
"Okay, okay. I'm not being completely honest. I did get it from the author but it's wasn't Henry. We found out there was another author besides Henry. The second author was...me."
"So...you altered the book?"
"Well...yes, but I didn't think it would work and it was really just to test if-"
He interrupted,
"___, you have to change it back. You don't know how delicate that book is. Tampering with it could lead to big problems."
"Fine, I'll write it back...but not until we find a way to bring you back with me."
He pressed his lips against mine and held my hand,
"I'm not coming with you."
I pulled my hand away and said sternly,
"Yes you are. I'm not going without you."
"Look, I don't want to argue about this. We can talk about it later."
He wrapped his arms around me and I whispered,
"Would it really be bad if I...maybe, only made one more change to the book...?"
Author's Note:
Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had a bit of writers block but I'm back with a lot of new parts for you guys. Thanks so much for all your support, votes, and comments!

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