Chapter 8

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"Wait a minute, wait." Alexis held up one hand like a crossing guard. "Why would they, whoever they are, want to kill Daniel?"

Swede heaved a sigh and rubbed his forehead. He resumed his watch out the window.

"I'm assuming you meant he was murdered," Alexis said. "Crashing your own car down a steep slope seems like an odd way to commit suicide."

Swede squeezed his eyes shut and his brow furrowed as if conjuring a response took great effort. "We were approached."


"Three people who claimed to be with the government. They said they'd gotten wind of our research and wanted to know our findings. Daniel and I were suspicious right away, since we'd told no one exactly what we were working on. We asked them where they got their information, but they refused to tell us."

"Could they have checked your records at Stanford and figured it out?"

Swede shook his head. "Stanford makes you fill out a ream of forms before you can use their particle accelerator. They collect lots of information and make sure you're trained--"

"And not a terrorist?"

"Right. I'm sure they've checked our backgrounds. But they don't ask exactly what you're doing." Another vehicle cruised by and a phantom light striped Swede's pale face then faded. "These people had to get the information from another source."

"What about your advisor? You told him, right?"

"Only the bare essentials. That we were testing out Magueijo's VSL theories. We never told him what we found out about the Planck factor. We were afraid." Swede lowered his head into his hands, holding it like a basketball. "I guess we were right to be. I guess we were stupid to keep it a secret."

Alexis tried to wrap her mind around Swede's words, but something wasn't adding up. "How can you be so sure Daniel was killed over this? If they wanted your research, what would they gain from killing him?"

"To get to me. To force me to give it to them."

Alexis shook her head. "I find that hard to believe. Maybe these people were with the government. They showed you their ID, right?"

Swede shrugged. "So what if they did? You think these things can't be forged?"

Alexis peered at Swede. Could there really be something to what he said? Or had all the secrecy around his work with Daniel made him paranoid? Or worse?

Maybe coming with Swede had been a bad idea. She should just play along. At least until she could think of a way to get clear of him.

Swede was shaking his head. "It's all my fault. It was my idea to keep it secret. Daniel agreed, but it was my idea."

"You can't blame yourself," Alexis said, in a voice that sounded dull and unconvincing even to her. Don't quit your day job for the theatre. "You did what you thought was right at the time."

Neither spoke for a moment. The cop movie on TV was gearing up for what looked like a big finish. A battalion in SWAT gear huddled outside a brick building, while inside a man and woman did step-turn maneuvers around corners, their arms outstretched with handguns aimed, like Disneyland robots. It's a Small World--and Very Violent--After All.

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