Chapter 45

348 46 1

Jessica Evans

I unbuckled the belt, slid it out slowly and held it at arm's length, between finger and thumb.

"Drop it!" Billy said.

I released the belt. It coiled to a heap on the ground.

Where the hell are they? Anyone?

He grabbed my arm and pushed me toward the car.

The last thing I intended to do was get in that car. "Billy, why are you doing this?" I asked, stalling for time.

His face loomed close, his eyes ablaze. "Because some people will pay more for secrets."

My whole body trembled. "Billy, I don't have any secrets."

He lowered his gaze, his lips curled down with disappointment, then raised his eyes to me, fiery with renewed anger.

He aimed the gun and I grabbed his arm, out of instinct, throwing my weight into it and fighting to keep it pointed away.

We kept up a crazy dance for a while, me moving in to try kneeing him in the balls and him stepping back. My laptop and shoulder bag dangled from crisscrossed straps, making it awkward to move.

Finally, I slammed my foot down on his instep. He stopped, wincing. Like a field goal kicker, I swung my foot straight into his groin. As he gasped and doubled over, I thrust my knee up under his chin, snapping his head back. The gun fell from his grasp.

I scrambled for the weapon, as Billy cringed and gulped for air, sprawled on the ground.

Aiming at Billy with quivering hands, I yelled, "I don't know anything! I'm just a student who writes fiction. Do ... you ... understand?"

Billy nodded and collapsed onto his back, his arms spread wide in a gesture of surrender.

He groaned. "The way you fight, lady, you should work for the CIA."

Done in by stress, I blinked back tears. Just what I need. A job where I'd do this on a regular basis.

Within a minute, several unmarked cars barreled into view, shuddering to a halt near the house. George exited his car and rushed toward me. "Are you okay?"

"I will be. Someday." I'd dried my eyes and recovered my composure, but felt stingy with my words and feelings. I wanted to be left the hell alone.

"In case you hadn't guessed, we lost your signal." George shook his head. "Government issue crap. You'd think after 9/11 ..." His voice trailed off.

"How did you find me?"

Cotter appeared, looking a bit worse for wear. "I snuck a tracking device on the car while Billy was running an errand. Never did tell Billy about it. I figured the less he knew, the better. Little did I know. Fortunately, Billy only knocked me out instead of killing me. Guess he didn't want to deal with my corpse in downtown DC.

"After I came to, I tried to reach the Feds. No dice, but I was able to reach your sister. Billy took my cell phone, but he didn't take this." Cotter pointed to his watch. He hit a button. "Check it out." The watch face converted into the screen of a mini-GPS tracking device.

"I want one of those." George actually sounded jealous.

I watched men and women in Kevlar vests make their way into the house, guns drawn. "Cynthia. She's hurt," I said.

I tried to explain, but George put a hand on my arm. "They'll see to her. How are you? Did you learn anything?"

"Oh, my God. Yes." I dug the typed Q and A out of the laptop case side pocket and handed it over. George read it with eyes expanding to saucers.

George's female twin appeared at his elbow. George thrust the notes at her. "It's Yellowstone. Alert the federal, state and local authorities now. We have to stop them before they blow it up."

"You might want this," I said.

They turned to look at the flash drives in my hand.    

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