Chapter 33

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Jessica Evans

The plan was for me to return by cab back to Liz's apartment. As George and his nameless twin busied themselves preparing to leave, Liz drew me aside, out of their earshot.

"Don't worry. I have your back, too," she murmured.

"What do you mean?" I whispered, checking my belt buckle reflexively to make sure I hadn't left the hidden listening device on.

"I'll keep the security detail in the wings. Just in case."

Just in case what? From what I'd seen of Cotter and his sidekick Billy, I wasn't overly impressed. Cotter seemed capable enough, but Billy? I sincerely hoped the Feds would come through in an emergency, because I didn't want to rely on the Abbott and Costello of security guard teams.

"Could you do me favor?" I asked Liz, digging the note from my pocket. "If anything happens to me, please give this to Mom and Dad."

Liz opened her mouth, but shut it fast.

"Just put it in an envelope and mail it," I said. "I know you and they ... haven't been close. But please ... do this for me."

Liz nodded and took the note.

Once I'd settled back into Liz's condo, the next step was for me to go out in public. I grabbed my laptop, which a government agent had recovered from the hotel and obligingly delivered, and headed out to the nearest coffee shop. I found my way to Pennsylvania Avenue—D.C.'s version of Main Street as laid out by Pierre Charles L'Enfant. I thought of L'Enfant as I wandered into a coffee shop called Le Pain Quotidien.

I grabbed a large coffee and a chocolate croissant. It was the least I could do for myself if I was going to be kidnapped.

I took a table facing the big picture window. Peering out to the street, I saw no sign of my dynamic bodyguard duo. None that was obvious, anyway.

I set up the laptop and opened the file I'd been working on in the wee hours. Did I want to continue the story or revise what I'd written? I'd been so busy thinking about my imminent capture that worrying about Alexis' situation seemed almost ridiculous.

Use it. The words floated through my mind. I was in her situation. (Well, except for her dead fiancé showing up, of course.) Who would understand better how she would react? So use it. Tuning out the chatter of customers around me, I plunged into reviewing the latest draft.


Daniel gazed back at Alexis, a weak smile on his lips and an apology in his eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Alexis jumped out of bed and ran over to him, wrapping him in a hug that would make a python proud. She sobbed on his shoulder, heaving with relief and confusion.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you." Daniel's voice was choked, either from emotion or Alexis' astonishing grip on him.

Alexis let go, stepped back and looked at him. "All this time. All this time." She shook her head, unable to go on.

Once disengaged from her hug, Daniel took a deep breath. "They made me promise, Alexis."

"Who? The NSA?"

He shook his head. "These guys were with Homeland Security."

"Jesus." How many agencies were involved?

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