Chapter 49

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On the plane back home, I buckled into my seat and prepared for takeoff. Saying farewell to Liz had been bittersweet.

"Don't be such a stranger," she'd chided me. "You should visit more often."

"You mean, sometime when I'm not being stalked by wacko extremists?" I'd smiled to show my friendly intentions. "I think I can manage that."

Liz had enveloped me in a hug. Her spicy perfume tickled my nostrils again.

"I love you, you know."

My eyes had filled. "I . . . I love you, too, Liz."

Once we were airborne and settled into cruising altitude, I opened my laptop. I had a big finish in mind for Alexis and Daniel. Not to mention Swede, who'd make another appearance.

I had several hours to kill, so I used the time to bring Alexis back to her sister Katie's condo—with a plan.

* * *


The following day, Daniel confronted Mel. "How could you place my fiancé in such a dangerous position? This is my battle to fight."

"I told you this might be necessary," Mel shot back. "As far as the opposition knows, you're dead. We need you to stay that way a little longer."

Alexis spoke up. "He's right, Daniel. If these people get hold of you, they might torture you for the information, whether they get the papers you left for me or not."

Daniel looked into Alexis' eyes. "I wish I'd never done the research. God knows what use it will be put to."

"I won't let the enemy get their hands on your work." Alexis spoke with much more confidence than she felt.

Mel placed a hand on Daniel's shoulder. "Try not to worry. This will be over soon."

Daniel tore his gaze from Alexis and glared at Mel. "Just make sure this lady comes back alive and well."

After a breakfast of buttered toast and strong, black coffee, Mel escorted Alexis to his car and drove her to the front of her sister Katie's condo building.

As Alexis exited the car, Mel called, "Good luck." She closed the door and the car took off.

Katie let Alexis inside the condo, then grabbed her in a bear hug.

"It's okay," Alexis whispered. "We're covered."

Katie nodded. "It's great to see you, sis." The words came out sounding real enough, but forced just the same.

"Well, I guess you know why I'm here."

Katie nodded again and moved stiffly toward a desk in the corner of the room. Pulling a set of keys from her purse, she used one to open the middle drawer and produced another key.

"This opens a safe deposit box at Chemical Bank on Broadway. You'll find what you need there."

"And we're coming with you," a deep voice intoned from the hall.

Alexis glanced toward the sound and a man emerged. She recognized him from the elevator the night she'd arrived. Except for the gun he pointed her way.

"I'll cooperate." Alexis tried to sound genuine. "Just don't shoot me, okay?"

Alexis turned toward the door, with the armed man following close behind. As she opened it, she realized, He said "we." Who else could he be referring to?

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