Chapter Six

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The ballroom was filled with nobles in expensive attire made with a rainbow of silk fabrics, and they were adorned with glittering jewels from head to toe. Men and women entered arm and arm as they made their way to the dance floor.

Gajeel had never felt more out of place. He hated how stiff and fake the guests looked as they danced. He spotted servants darting between the couples while balancing trays filled to the brim with gourmet food.

He couldn't believe it. These nobles didn't deserve these luxuries while people like him struggled to buy a loaf of bread.

This made him think of a time he had tried very hard to forget over the past years. He remembered sitting in the street alone as a child. He had no family left and no orphanage dared to take him, knowing no one would want to adopt him.

He had to learn to survive on his own. The first thing he ever stole was an apple from a street vendor. He knew that stealing was wrong, but he was just so hungry. So thievery became his way to stay alive.

He was jolted out of his thoughts when he felt Levy intertwine her fingers with his.

"You gotta relax Gaje, how about we dance?" She said, pulling him onto the dance floor. Gajeel wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. Somehow Levy was able to reach up to wrap her arms around his neck.

Gajeel rested his head in the crook of her neck and released the tension in his body with a sigh. Suddenly he forgot about everything that was running through his mind.

They slow danced for awhile until he heard the clock in the room chime. Levy pulled away and stood up on her tip toes to whisper in his ear.

"It's time," she said. stepping back, she grabbed her purse with a mischievous smile on her face. She reached into her bag and held a potion vial in her hand. Gajeel smirked when he saw the label printed with the words "smoke bomb".

Levy threw the vial on the marble floor and a green smoke erupted from the now shattered bottle. Guests ran about panicking, creating a perfect diversion. With the first part done, the two sprinted over to the pedestal near the royal throne.

The golden crown sat on a velvet purple cushion. Emeralds and diamonds were inset into the delicate crown. When levy picked it up, it looked even bigger in her tiny hands.

They ran away from the commotion and escaped into the courtyard. Once they got to the castle's outer wall, they had to gasp for air from all the running and laughing.

Suddenly they heard the shouts of the royal guards running toward them. Gajeel picked up Levy and threw her over his shoulder and began to climb the wall.

"Hey!" Levy pounded her fists on his back, but before she could finish her tantrum, Gajeel leaped off the wall to the other side.

Gajeel landed on his back and winced at the impact. He opened his eyes to find Levy, on top of him.

With their noses almost touching, Levy's face reddened and tried to look away from Gajeel.

He chuckled and adjusted the crown still on their head. He then leaned in and slid his hands to the back of her neck. He kissed her softly, not caring about the rouge on her lips getting on his face.

Levy's body froze at first, but she then relaxed and kissed him back intensely while her hand ran through his hair.

He knew Levy was fiesty, but he was still surprised by Levy's kissing. They broke apart, gasping for air when Gajeel saw Levy surrounded by a purple glow.

Levy looked down at her glowing body and her eyes widened. She shrieked and ran away from Gajeel in a panic into the woods.

Levy what's goin on?" He said, "come back!"

He sprinted towards the cluster of trees to find her. He didn't understand what was happening, or why she ran away from him.

He spotted something pink that stood out from the forest floor. When he realized what it was he dropped to his knees and his heartbeat skyrocketed. Levy's ball gown was in a pile on the floor.

Gajeel sat there imagining the worst and tears began to run down his face.

"Gaje?" A small voice said. Gajeel froze and looked down. There Levy was covering her body with the silky fabric, a fairy again.

***Sorry this took so long, writer's block sucks. Anyway, I'm so excited this story has 33 votes!! Thanks for the encouragement I love you all :)***

*Ps I'm also into art and draw a lot of fandom stuff. I wanna know if people would be interested in seeing some stuff I've done or want to make requests, so comment or message me*

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