Chapter Seven

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Gajeel ripped a piece of the pink fabric off the ball gown for Levy to cover herself.

She now sat on his leg, her body shaking from crying. Gajeel scooped her up and held her close to his chest, hoping it would calm her down.

"Why did this happen?" She said, her words muffled, as her face was buried in the fabric of Gajeel's suit.

"We'll figure out how to turn ya back, I promise," He said. He looked away so she wouldn't notice his eyes start to water.

Seeing her like this made him frustrated and upset all at the same time. He always said her cheerful, energetic antics were annoying, but it was the only thing that kept him going these days. Being without her was something he couldn't imagine.

He kept thinking about their kiss. Levy made him feel like he could have a future. Before her he didn't care about anything, but now he was feeling something he never had before.

Was this love? With Levy he could imagine getting married, buying a little cottage, and even starting a family.

Whether Levy was human or fairy, it didn't change the way he felt. But if Levy wanted to be a human, he'd make sure she was changed back.

Gajeel lifted Levy up to eye level and moved her hair out of her face with his pinky finger.

"Now look Levy" He said, ", well, I really care about ya, and I'll do anything to get ya back to human size again, if that's what ya want."

Tears started to roll down her face once more.

"Wait, why are ya cryin?" He said panicking, "was it something I said?"

Levy giggled and wiped the tears from her face. She then hopped on his shoulder to kiss him on the cheek.

"No dummy I'm just really happy!" She said.

Gajeel grinned and picked up the crown they had stolen. The crown was worth millions in jewels, so he was sure he could buy some sort potion to help Levy with that kind of money.

"Cmon Shrimp, can't have you cryin like that all the time, let's go make you human again,"

** I'm sorry this took so long, I was feeling so unmotivated. Anyway, I'm really excited that I'm leaving my awful public school and that I'm starting online school. I had a really awful year and I hope my mental health will get better and I'll hopefully have more time to write :)**

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