Chapter 9

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Late morning, Gajeel trekked through the forest with Levy asleep in his cloak pocket. Soon the loamy soil on the forest floor became more and more sandy.

Soon the ocean came into view, and Gajeel nudged Levy to wake her up. Her eyes widened and there was a huge grin on her face.

"It's so beautiful!" She gushed. "I've never seen the ocean before,"

"We're here to see someone, I think you'll like her,"

He peered out into the sea, scanning the jagged rocks for anything. He saw a flash of blue splash into the water.

"Gajeel!" A woman's voice wailed. "Juvia hasn't seen you in forever!"

(AN: I've never done this in this book before but imma do it)

Levy POV

The noise came from a mermaid, or what looked like one. Levy had only seen mermaids in books. The mermaid pulled herself up to a boulder on the shore, flipping her scaly tail about. Everything about this girl was the color of the ocean. Her tail, her wild curls, even the the sequined fabric covering her large bust was blue.

Levy hoped she wasn't interested in Gajeel. She seemed to know him so well, and she was so pretty and curvy. It made Levy frustrated to be stuck as a little fairy.

"Gajeel have you found a lady ye-" Juvia's eyes widened when noticed Levy trying to hide in Gajeel's pocket.

"A fairy! Gajeel, your girlfriend is so cute!" Juvia said.

Levy's face reddened and she buzzed towards Juvia so Gajeel couldn't hear.

Oh we're not together like that.." She said.

Juvia glanced at Gajeel and smiled.
"Well I've never seen him so smitten with a girl before,"she said," so you can't possibly just be friends."

"Well, He did kiss me when I was human, but now I can't imagine why he'd like me," Levy said.

"It seems he really likes you, it shouldn't matter whether you're fairy or human," she said.

Levy was happy to hear that Juvia was just a friend to Gajeel. In fact, Juvia didn't seem that much interested in boys at all. Before she knew it, Juvia was complaining about the perverted fishermen who always bothered her like they had been friends for years.

Gajeel trudged over with the potions book in hand.

"I'm glad you girls are makin friends but we gotta find this," he said, showing the page of the fairy queen potion.

Juvia skimmed through the story and gasped.

"I've heard of this before!" She said.

Levy learned that Juvia was much wiser than she looked. She told them that the Queen supposedly made two vials of that potion.

"So is there's one vial left?" He asked, suddenly excited. "Where is it?"

Juvia looked down and fiddled with her hair. "No one is really sure, but I think Galuna Island would be a good place to look,"

Levy remembered back before she met Gajeel, when she only had books to keep her company. She'd read about a tribe of fairies who lived on Galuna Island.

It was also the summer home of many fairy royalty before they all died out. Levy hoped they'd find the potion there.

Levy told the two her thoughts and the group decided a journey to Galuna Island was in order.

Levy was bursting with joy and even a couple of happy tears rolled down her cheeks. The three were laughing and Juvia splashed around showering them with salty water.

The celebration stopped when Levy and panicked over a detail they had forgotten,

"How will we get there?" She blurted out, " Juvia is the only one who can swim there!"

Gajeel set her on his shoulder and ruffled her hair in an attempt to calm her down.

"I'm sure we'll find a boat somewhere Shrimp, hey Juvia, aren't ya friends with that one pirate girl who owns that huge ship?"

A fiery red blush creeped up Juvia's face.

"Ju-Juvia supposed she could ask Miss Cana," she said with a tiny smile.

** so I know it's been quite a while since I've updated. I've gotten very busy with my job, school, and hopefully soon I'll get a part in a play. Luckily since all my classes are online, and hopefully I can update more once I get used to all these classes.

Do you guys want more from Levy's perspective? I'm very excited about Juvia joining the story. You can probably tell I'm a fan of Juvana and might add some in this story.

That being said if you don't like reading about LGBT characters I would kindly appreciate it if you kept your comments to yourself :)

Thanks for reading, love you guys!!!**

Thanks for reading, love you guys!!!**

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