Chapter 10

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Levy looked up at the grand ship before her, she thought the ship was very extravagant for a band of pirates.

The ship was made of a dark ebony wood, which someone had hand carved swirling designs into. The sail was dyed a dark crimson shade, she couldn't imagine how much dye one would have to buy for such a massive sail.

Gajeel stood on the dock with Levy sitting on his shoulder. Juvia had joined them shortly after, hoisting herself out of the water to sit on the dock.

When they heard hooting and hollering from the ship, Levy glanced up at Gajeel. His face mirrored her own uncertainty, what had they gotten into?

Juvia on the other hand groaned but Levy swore she also saw a small smile from her.

"Oh Raindrop!" A woman's voice called." I've missed you!"

A girl stumbled to the wooden railing of the ship. She leaned on the railing casually, her large bust threatening to spill out of her bikini top. She also had a bottle of a mysterious brown liquid which she downed in one gulp.

"You brought friends, come up to the party!" She said, her speech was slurred and she had a silly grin on her face.

Juvia looked over at Levy and Gajeel's frozen faces and sighed, "shes always like this, you'll get used to it."

After Levy and Gajeel boarded the ship and Juvia was pulled up by a fishing net, the drunken girl sauntered up to them and introduced herself.

"Name's Cana, you two must be friends of Juvia" she said, a bit more sober than before. She threw her arm around Juvia affectionately, "well, any friends of Raindrop are friends of mine!"

"C'mon I'll show you around!"
She scooped up Juvia bridal style, making her face turn red and flick her tail nervously. Cana led them to the galley, where numerous men and women were partying and drinking.

Levy noticed a large horse tank on wheels with water that was obviously meant for Juvia. She must visit here often, she thought.

They sat down while Juvia floated in her tank next to Cana. A white haired girl hurried over with a tray of beer, even with a thimble sized cup for her.

"Something tells me you're not just here for a drink, why did you seek me out?" Cana asked.

Levy stood up on the table and looked up and Cana, " I want you to take me to Galuna Island!"

She paused for a moment, shocked at what the fairy had said, "No one has stepped foot on that island in years, why do you want to go there so badly?" Cana asked.

"I want to become a human," she said quietly,"

Cana looked between Levy and Gajeel and smiled mischievously. Could she sense what was going on between them? We're they really that obvious?

"Alright, we start our journey tomorrow, you guys can stay here tonight," she said, getting up to find the barmaid.

Later, Cana had introduced them to the crew's nightly shindig. Even Gajeel was exhausted from the booze and the noise of the night.

Cana insisted that room was limited on her ship so Levy and Gajeel would have to share a room.

"What? I don't even take up any room," she pouted. "where will Juvia sleep?"

Cana giggled and Juvia's face flushed a deep red.

"With the captain of course!" She swept up Juvia and strutted off, leaving the two in their room alone.

"C'mon, you must be tired," he scooped her up and set her on a pillow on the bed. He sprawled out on the other side and turned to look at her.

"Are you okay? He asked. " are you nervous about the island?"

She sighed and hugged her knees, "I'm just scared we won't find the potion, I don't want to disappoint you.

He looked at her concerned, "Levy, why would you think that?"

"If I can't be a human you won't want me!" She said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

There was a silent pause as he moved closer to her.

"Levy, it doesn't matter to me if you're a fairy or a human, I love you and nothing is gonna change that."

She gaped up at him, they had been darting around this discussion for awhile now. Both of them had feelings for each other, but neither of them had mustered up the courage to confess their feelings.

"I know becoming human is really important to you, so I'll do anything to make that possible for you," he said.

She crawled up on his chest and before the two fell asleep she whispered,

"I love you too."

** So I know it's been forever since updated, I haven't been as obsessed with fairy tail as I used to. I still want to finish this fic because I still like the characters and I've enjoyed writing it.

I'm excited to write about Cana and Juvia in future chapters, they're cute :) thanks for reading!**

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