Karma Akabane x reader [Boring]

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"not interesting; tedious."

*Takes place in the first season (Since i never watched S2 because it was basically spoiled for me)*



Everything was boring

you wished something fun would finally happen, sitting in class everyday.

Wasting your life away, it was no fun.

At least when he was here things were exciting. You missed him because he changed this boring school life of yours into something exciting. But now he managed to get himself suspended and you were no longer able to see him as you entered your third year of middle school.

Nothing in life managed to excite you anymore ever since you were little many things became boring. But when you met him, your life changed.

That mischievous look in his eyes, and that sadistic personality was something you had never seen before. Something, he interested you and you felt a new rush of excitement. Many avoided him due to his dangerous actions and you secretly admired him.

But where was he now?

Where did he go?

Will you ever see him again?

What was his name? That's right a unique name you'd never forget.

Karma Akabane

The sadistic redhead that finally interested you.

Your grades had been failing recently and you went back to that bored, lazy state that you had before Karma got involved in your life. Ignoring everyone including the teacher they mostly stopped talking to you.

'its not like i need any friends they're all boring anyways' you thought as you packed up your belongings getting ready to leave at the end of the day.

as you left the school and began walking home your phone rang. You picked it up and turns out it was your mother.

"Your father and I have been talking over a few things lately" she started to speak, you listened in as you walked home.

"We've decided you need to make some more friends, you can't just sit around the house all day!"

"I don't need friends." you replied

"yes you do, you'll never leave the house and you'll never get a boyfriend!"

You and your mother went on for a while, you explaining why you didn't need or want friends. Then she hung up

"They're all boring anyway" you said aloud as a gust of wind passed through.

Then you saw it

no him

standing right there, the one who had turned your boring life around.

The one you secretly admired.

"Boring, eh?" he said looking at you. Speechless and unable to move you just nodded slowly.

"Well then i'll just have to make your life not boring anymore" He said smirking.

You slightly smiled while looking down.

"Yes, I would like that.

His smirk grew wider as you replied and he grabbed your hand and pulled you along.

This wasn't boring, This was fun. Being with him finally able to speak to him.


everything is boring.

no thats not right...

Your life was only boring because he wasn't in it.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i have a tendency to get bored easily.

This also mainly describes me, I honestly think my life is boring going through the same school schedule morning routine,

and repeat.

But truly I'm not a boring person

Anyways i hope you like this!

Please feel free to request again, and again, and again

and again.......

and again-

i'm sorry i'm gonna go

Requested by MiniGruntHunt

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