Yuuichiro Hyakuya x Reader [ fight ]

647 12 4


also if there's any typos idgaf



Footsteps echoed leaving a slight clicking sound as you walked. Your heels which were always the same left that clicking noise every time you walked to that place. How many times had you been here you didn't know anymore. You always stopped here to think before you left on a job.

Not even bothering to check if anyone was around you pulled out your gun to check if you had full bullets. Everything was in check fully loaded with extra ammo, a few close combat weapons and you colleagues.

"So... What's the job this time?"

"Search, Find and Kill."

"awwwww c'mon when can we do something more fun~?"

"n-nows not the time for fun, or to be messing around"

"awwwwww but-"


You sighed as a few of them argued. The mission was to find someone named Guren. You didn't pay attention nor care about his last name. "Shut up idiots. Let's get going because miss (y/n) seems ready.". You smiled as one of your partners said that and everyone quieted down.


You pulled your gun out of your harness located near you thigh and pulled the trigger. The person dodged it by an inch.

Someone had intercepted your group saying something like "You'll never get to Guren!". He was at a disadvantage, charging at people like you with guns but only with a sword in hand. You sighed at how stupid of a choice that was and you waved your hand at your teammates.

That was the signal for them to proceed and let you handle this.

"miss (y/n) a-are you sure?"

you nodded

"Yeah just let her do this she's stronger than you~"

You ignored their bickering and focused your eyes on the man in front of you. You were pretty young to be doing jobs like this. But you were indifferent to them you had killed many before and you weren't going to hesitate to destroy him.

He charged at you unexpectedly catching you off guard. You jumped out of the way and shot at him he managed to dodge it once again. He was now standing in the light and you could see him perfectly.

Messy black hair and mesmerizing green eyes. To be honest he was actually pretty good looking to you.

"Aren't you a bit young to be doing things like this?" He questioned looking at your small frame. "Same for you" you replied smirking you weren't one to speak much but with him you felt like you could speak so much.

Both of your eyes followed each other movements for a while and then continued fighting.


"Miss (y/n)!"

you heard a voice speak in your headset.

"There was more enemies than we expected, He knew we were coming~"

"H-hey don't cut me off!"

"(y/n)-san we have to retreat."

You hated retreating but you couldn't fight much longer either. This kid has so much energy, too much energy to be exact. Plus you were almost out of bullets.

You smirked at him and stepped back. He was wondering why you were stepping back " Aren't you going to fight or are you too scared to fight me?"

"No it's not that." you replied putting your gun away.

"You seem like a good opponent, The names (y/n) you better not forget it."

You began to escape through the shadows and then you heard him yell

"My names Yuu! you'd better not forget it either!"

You were going to have fun meeting him again.



anyways what do you think about this one?

Criticism is welcome, highly appreciated, and just pls idk if my writing is getting worse or better


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[ a r t    i  n s t a g r a m : akatsuonihiki ]

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