Nishikino Maki x reader

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lololol I'm dead. Sorry i haven't updated at all this month im jus' really busy y'know. If you have any oneshot requests please request!

(also jus' sayin' but i might get some of the information wrong i'm literally just looking at her wiki page. bc i did play love live! but after a while i deleted it and went for the hot boys in Ensemble Stars (Tsukasa is daddy and Mika is my husband) )

i had no ideas for this one so sorry if it sucks


You had always looked up to the red-head idol, she was like you're very own idol. Sometimes you wish she could preform a solo just for you but when you asked her she automatically got flustered and declined. You only shrugged it off thinking 'Hey if i was an idol too i'd probably be too tired and busy to preform solos for friends anyways' .

You had also been to a few- or more like almost all of the µ's lives, you were very supportive and loved every live they did. But you always took a liking to Maki more than any of them, you always shrugged it off as envy or jealousy. You had decided one day while in class thinking to yourself as you gazed out of the window that your main goal was to support and the rest of the µ's (mostly ony Maki though).

You sat out a lunch one day, you had decided to ask Maki to join you for once. You knew you had feelings for her so whenever you tried to ask for her help or even talking to her in generall you would get flustered and unable to form coherent sentences. You let out a sigh as you leaned back and closed your eyes.

' I really do like Maki though.... One day I promise i will do my best to confess to her- !'

your thoughts were interrupted by the presence of someone sitting next to you. You sat up and opened your eyes turning your head to the side.

"ah, Nishikino-chan!" you said with a hint of surprise evident in your voice. Maki let out a soft giggle "What, did you forget that you invited me to eat lunch with you?". You blushed and look away "N-no thats not it.... i was just lost in my thoughts so I didn't notice you were there" . You both laughed and began eating lunch and having a conversation.


You had loved Maki.

you did love maki.

you had many chances but you were too afraid.

you confessed to her.

sadly, she politely rejected you,

You still hold feelings for her but you know it hurts you even more to keep those feelings locked away inside.

you still went to almost every Live the µ's held, you wanted Maki to be your idol but you could never have her by your side.



Feel free to request again, sorry i ruined your one shot though lol

also i didn't even know how short this one-shot was oops im-

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