Kuroko Tetsuya x reader [dissapear]

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"cease to exist or be in use."

"cease to be visible."

This was just a short thing I wrote in the morning

(Also sorry for any misspelled words I'm typing this on my phone)

He was the only one to notice you, you were the only one to notice him.

You always had your eye on him, He noticed you but everyone else didn't. You were always smiling even while not being noticed, that was something he thought was interesting about you.

There was a boy sitting in class. And always at the same time everyday he could feel someone's gaze on him. The boy could never figure out who it was.

Then one day he saw her, she was looking at him, the same time everyday that he felt the gaze on his back. When she noticed him staring the girl blushed and looked away hiding her face.

Everyday this would repeat, untill one day the boy finally decided to speak to the girl.

"Hello." He said walking up to the girl surprising her.

"Y-you can see me?" The shocked girl replied.

"Of course I can, but I was surprised that you noticed me."

"Oh, sorry I'm always ignored but that's okay, I like the quiet." The girl replied calmly. She seemed to have calmed down and gained enough confidence to speak to the boy.

"What's your name?" The boy asked.

"(L/n), (F/n) what's yours?" The girl quitely replied

"Kuroko Tetsuya." The boy replied.

"Well then, it's nice to meet you Kuroko-kun!" She cheerfully replied.


"I like you" Kuroko said after school. "W-what?" You replied surprised. "I like you." He repeated again.

Tears soon started to fall from your eyes as you looked at him.

You smiled and said "I like you too.".

Soon you started to dissappear and he looked at you surprised.

"(Y/n)?" He said reaching for you. Grabbing his hand, and holding it tightly you sighed.

"Sorry, I'm not actually alive." You smiled sadly and looked down. "I'm actually a second year, but I ended my life during my first year right on this roof." More tears fell down.

"Thank you again, Tetsuya-san"

You looked up at him and smiled brightly.

Then you dissappeared

Gone forever.

His hand fell down to his side and he quietly stood there.



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[ a r t    i n s t a g r a m : akatsuonihiki ]

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