Dazai Osamu x Reader

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Ok legit I'm gonna try and make this fluff for u

Rip it's gonna suck because this idea just randomly came to my head.

And probably ooc but I don't care right now

It was a beautiful day in the park people were enjoying their time off and relaxing. Couples were enjoying their time together.

Nothing could disturb the peaceful atmosphere.


and many watched as a man got kicked in the head by a female. Some people quickly fled the area while others stayed and decided to see what would happen next.

"There's nothing wrong with it! It's area wonderful day to commit suicide!" Dazai defended "Like hell it is!" You retorted trying to hit him but he dodged it. This went on for a while "Stop dodging and let me hit you!" All dazai did was let out a chuckle "Why hit me when we can commit suicide together?" By now you were getting really irritated "Ah, a double suicide how wounderul does it sound~".

You let out an annoyed sigh and looked around. People were staring, pointing and whispering at you two. Your face heated up in embarrasment for creating such a ruckus in the public park but it wasn't your fault.

You quickly grabbed Dazai's hand and forcefully pulled him out of the park with you. You kept running trying to pull him along but all he did was make comments about how you two should commit a double suicide.

"Look Dazai it would flatter me knowing you wanted to commit suicide with me but when you ask tons of other women to do it.... it kinda loses its charm." You commented. And then Dazai stopped walking and since you still held on to his hand you got pulled back. You sighed and turned to him "what is it now Dazai-san?"

He only hummed in response as you both stared at each other. "If that's so..." He started.

"Then would it flatter you if I asked you to go on a date with me? Hm~"

Your face heated up quickly and you turned around letting go of his hand. It was true you did like dazai (I mean who wouldnt) but you thought he only had interest in commiting a double suicide with someone.

You placed your hands on your cheeks feeling how hot they were and took a deep breath to calm yourself. All dazai did was look at you curiously waiting for an answer.

"Alright I have your answer-"

"Oh that big tree over there would be a great place to hang myself!"

You felt your cheeks heat up again not In embarrassment or anything like that but in anger. You raised your fist and hit Dazai on his head.

Maybe going on a date with him wouldn't be so bad.


I hope this is better than the last one

Thanks for reading!


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[ a r t    i n s t a g r a m : akatsuonihiki ]

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