Season 1 Episode 3

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Allison and I were entering the school when she walks right into Scott. She says, "You scared the hell out of me."

We all got down to help her get her stuff that fell on the ground.

"You're ok."

"Once my heart starts beating again, yeah. What?"

"I'm just happy to see you."

Then the PA went on, "Attention students this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our busses, but while the police work to determine what happened classes will proceed as scheduled." Que. groans.

"Thank you."

Allison said, "Save me a seat at lunch."


I said, "I won't be there." And I walked away to my locker. As I was walking I saw Jacka**'s  locker door all bent. It was hilarious.

Time skip

3rd POV (will not do this often so assume it's Percy's POV unless it says otherwise) With Scott and Stiles

Scott and Styles were sitting at a table when Lydia came over and sat down, followed by others.

After talking about the animal attack Lydia changes the subject of Scott and Allison's date while inviting herself and Jackson.

Allison feeling more comfortable with her brother around said, "Percy has a girlfriend if her parents let her maybe they can come with us."

Lydia said, "Sure, but speaking about Percy where is he?"

"I don't know he leaves every lunch to go do something, but he never tells me what."

Percy POV

Every lunch I go out to the stream to practice my powers and train with my daggers and sword.

When I got back to the school Allison came up to me and said, "Percy do you think that you and Annabeth could come with Scott, Lydia, Jackson, and myself bowling."

"Sure that me ask her if she can come. You know it is a hour and 25min flight for around $270 one way."

"Well it will also be the first time I met her."

"Ok. What time is the date?"

"Tomorrow at 9:45pm."

"Ok I'll call when we get home your lucky it's on a Friday."

Time skip

I went to the airport to pick up Annabeth then to go to the bowling alley. Annabeth brought some overnight stuff because she would be staying in our house in the spare room so she can get a early flight back home ( hopefully she can stay for a few days).

I saw Annabeth I ran up to her pulled her into a hug and spun us around.
"I see you missed me seaweedbrain."

"Yep, come on my sister, her boyfriend, a jacka**, and his girlfriend are waiting for us at the bowling alley."

"Percy it's not nice to make fun of others."

"But it's true."


Time skip

When we got to the bowling alley I introduced Annabeth to everyone.

Allison was happy to finally meet her and wondered out loud how it was possible for me to get a girl like her.

When we started bowling Lydia went first with the help of Jacka** only getting three pins from her second shot, Allison went after getting a strike, then it was Jacka**s turn also getting a strike. Great that is the last thing he needs, a confidence boost.

Now it was my turn I went up with my bowling ball, which was obviously blue. I through the ball and got a strike.

I went back to sit down and said, "Your turn wisegirl." Annabeth went up and also get a strike.

Now it was Scotts turn, he went up threw his first ball only for it to go in the gutter.

Jacka** started laughing and Allison scolded him and after a few more insults from Jacka** and encouraging words from Allison, Annabeth whispers in my ear, "Your right he is a jacka**."

I looked at her weirdly and she said, "What?"

"Did you just admit that I was right?"

"Yeah, but don't get used to it."

After another round of hitting a few pins by Lydia, a spare by Jacka**, and strikes by Allison, Annabeth, and myself it was Scotts turn.

Seeing him nervous Allison went up to him and whispered something she was about to come back when she said something else as well.

When she got back Scott through his ball with such speed that he got a strike.

Lydia looked at Allison and asked, "What did you say to him?"

"Oh I just gave him something to think about."

I know that this wasn't the case and that if Allison told him what I think she told him then he would have gone into a semi-werewolf mode.

As we continued on Allison, Scott, Annabeth, and myself continued to get strikes, while Jacka** got them every now and then, and Lydia wasn't getting that many pins until she asked Scott for help and he told her that she was doing good on her own then she also got strikes every now and then.

Time skip

Sense Allison left the house with out permission she needed a ride home so Scott said his good byes then I went up to him. "If you hurt her I will keep my word and kill you," then I leaned in closer and whispered, "werewolf." He paled drastically.

"You know?"

I nodded my head, "Right now my dad doesn't know but if you hurt Allison he will."

Time skip

Just as I was about to pull into the driveway Allison got out and snuck back into the house. Then I pulled into the driveway helped Annabeth get out and carry her bags.

When we got in my mom went up to her hugged her and asked her a few questions about our relationship.

Allison acted like she was meeting her for the first time as well.

Hoped you enjoyed it.

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