Season 1 episode 5

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If you saw the picture you got to think what are the chances.

I woke up thinking it was the same day as everyday until I had a hot shower and realized it was mine and Allison's birthday as well as mine and Annabeth's anniversary.

Walking down for breakfast I saw three boxes at the table one was long while the others were a lot smaller in length.

"Who are those for?"

"Some guy dropped them off this morning and said to tell you happy birthday." Mom replied

Walking to the table I say, "What did the man look like?"

"He had salt-and-pepper color hair, and was slim and fit. Do you know him?"

"Yeah he's an old friend." I said than I took a look at the packages, the long one and one of the smaller ones were mine while the other small one was Allison's. Opening up the long box first there was a note in Greek saying:
Percy these are for your family incase monsters attack.
Inside the box was a bunch of celestial bronze bullets, celestial bronze daggers and a bow full of celestial bronze arrows.

"Mom, these here are for when dad his friends and myself go out." Trying to be discreet because Allison was coming downstairs.

"Dad can I talk to you in private, please?"

Walking into the garage I showed dad the weapons telling him, "There here are for special monsters when we hunt but they don't work on most so only use them as a last resort."

"Ok, but where did you learn this?"

"You know how I go to summer camp each summer?" Seeing him nod I continue. "Well they train us to fight and kill these specific types of monsters. The only thing is that there are some humans that can also be effected by this metal."

"Fine we will talk more about this after the parents teachers meeting tonight. Now I believe that there was another box at your spot."

Heading back to the table I see that Allison already opened her present. It was a ring with a wolf on it. "I see Annabeth had found out about the family's fascination with wolves."

"Well what's yours?"

"Haven't opened it yet."

"Well what are you waiting for, open it."

When I opened up the box there was a ring on top of the card.

"So what is it?"

"Well aren't you rather nosey, but if you have to know it's a trident." Then I picked up the card, it was from Annabeth and it said:
Dear Percy
Happy birthday/anniversary don't get into to much trouble.
Love Annabeth
Than it switched over to Greek
P.S. Both of the rings have some unicorn draught mixed into them so they can heal either of you as long as you're wearing them.

We both put on our rings and left for school. When we got there I pulled Allison to the side telling her, "you need to promise to always keep the ring on you."


"It's just a feeling, like they will protect us."

"Okay. You know it's weird how accurate those feelings you have are. I'm starting to believe that you are psychic."

"Maybe, but I have a class to get to see you later."

Time skip

After classes I noticed that Allison and Scott were both not there, since it was our birthday I decided to not make a big deal about it seeing how everyone reacts to our age and gets the wrong impression.

For lunch I did as I normally did I went down to the stream and train for a little, but this time after I finished training I IMed Annabeth to profoundly apologize for forgetting about our anniversary and telling her that I will make it up to her the next time I see her.

After I finished IMing Annabeth I began to walk back to the school when all of a sudden I felt light headed and started to see black sports clouding up my vision and stumbling around before I pass out.

Time skip

When I woke up the first thing I remember is that my name is Percy Argent and some girl named Annabeth. Other than that I don't remember anything else. All of a sudden I hear a growl, looking up I am face to face with a wolf.

3rd POV

After scolding Allison for skipping school her dad asks, "So where is Percy? I need to talk to him."

"What are you talking about?" Allison asks. "Didn't he get a ride home with you?"

"What are you talking about? Percy wasn't at the school and you had the car so you would have had to drop him off somewhere."

"No as far as I know Percy was at school. He didn't skip with me."

"Than where is he?" Chris said almost to quiet for others to hear.

Dun Dun Dun

Sorry this chapter took so long I was having a hard to figuring out how to incorporate Percy into this chapter. I was originally planning on having Percy being kidnapped by Hera after season 1 and before season 2 but I couldn't.

The next few chapters will be some point that have changed in the rest of season 1, all of season 2 and during the Hero's of Olympus series's.

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