Season 3 episode 1

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After I got home I learned about moms death and who are now werewolves. Once everything settled down dad wanted to know about the specific kind of monster that the metal could kill and what the metal was. It took awhile but they are now starting to believe that Greek myths aren't myths. Then we left to France to try and sort our lives out before we do anything else.

Time skip

We were back in Beacon Hills in a new house. I was up getting ready for school tomorrow and Allison was with Lydia.

Everything was going okay then I got a call about Allison and Lydia being in an accident, so I got there as soon as the speed limit would allow.

Time skip

When I got there a deer was crashed through the front window. There was an ambulance and police car helping out Allison and Lydia while the police were finishing talking to...

"Scott!" I said while walking towards them. "What happened?"

"Well Stiles and I were both driving down the street and meet at a red light. When we were able to go Stiles and I kept our distance so we stopped to keep the distance further between us when they also stopped. A few moments later we hear a scream and see this."

"Well I'm going to see if Allison and Lydia are alright."

Walking up to them when the police officer was finished asking them questions I sat beside Allison, "so are you and Lydia alright?"

"Yeah just more shaken up than hurt. Thanks for coming."

"Hey what are brothers for. If the paramedics say your good to go I could drive both Lydia and you home while her car is banged up."

"Yeah, okay."

When the paramedics finish their job I dropped Lydia off at her house then drove Allison and myself home.

Time skip

The next morning I woke up, had a shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, did my hair and teeth. I was ready to go but Allison still needed some time, so dad went and talked to her.

After Allison was ready we drove to Lydia's because her car was wreaked and she needed a ride to school.

At school I went to my locker before going to my first class, Math. We spent the first reviewing last year when all of a sudden ravens started flying at the windows they broke in attacking everyone and within a few seconds of attacking they either left or were dead on the floor.

Time skip

It turns out that the ravens didn't just attack my class, they attached every class. After I heard this news I went to find Allison in her English class. We called dad and told him what happened and he came to the school.

When dad got there the police had also arrived. He was making sure Allison and myself were alright when the sheriff came over to talk to our dad.

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about this would you?"

"What makes you think I would know what happened?"

"Sorry, I just thought I heard my son say you were an experienced hunter."

"Ah, well not any more. Come on Allison, Percy grab your stuff we are going home for the rest of the day."

"Yeah ok, but Lydia will need to come with us. She doesn't have another ride."

"Ok you go with Lydia to get your stuff and I'll go with Percy. We'll meet up near the front doors."

"Ok see you than. Lydia come on we are leaving."

Time skip

After getting my stuff from my locker, and dad telling the secretary that we wouldn't be there for the rest of the day, we meet up at the entrance.

Time skip

When we got home Lydia stayed with us because she didn't need to get home at that time. I was working on some math questions at that time and Lydia was helping Allison with her room.

Sorry this took so long, it's just that I am lazy and barely had any inspiration at the time.

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