Season 1, 2 and HoO

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The times that are different in Teen Wolf and Hero's of Olympus

Percy's first call home


I'll get it! Hello?


Percy? Is that you?

Listen Dad I can't talk for long but just know that I am all right and will come home soon.

I'm coming to pick you up, now where are you?

Im sorry but something big has started, I'm in the middle of it, and I'm curious to see how it ends.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Stupidity killed the cat curiosity was framed.

So stop being stupid and tell me where you are!

I'm sorry I  but I can't do that not yet, bye.



Chris Argents first Greek monster

It was the night of the full moon when i first in countered it. I was setting up some traps so that if a werewolf were to come to this area I would be ready. Ever sense Percy call home I've been on edge waiting to hear from him again, but at least I know he is alright for now. Just as I was putting the last noise blaster out I hear a howl of pain coming from a werewolf only it was a little off to be a werewolf. I didn't have to wait long to learn what it was as it ran through the bush pawing at its ears. I guess it got fed up with the noise because without warning it lunged for the closest sound blaster destroying it in to a hundred small peaces and soon did the same to all the others.

I pulled out my gun so I could fire when ready. Now that was no longer thrashing around I was able to get a good look at it. It looked nothing like a werewolf, it was to small the size of a normal dog, but this dog had sharp teeth and claws. It's eyes were blood red, and to make it more unsettling it was looking at me liking its mouth like I was a tasty meal to be eaten.

I was just able to get one shot off before it pounced. The creature went for my face so I used my arm to try and keep his mouth away from my head. While its head was distracted I put a gun to its stomach and fired the rest of the bullets.

After I finished firing I saw that it did not deter from trying to kill me. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to keep its mouth away for much longer I grew desperate, I grabbed a knife from my belt and plunged it into its side.

Then the unexpected happened. It burst into dust, bright yellow dust. I looked down at the knife I used and saw it was one of the ones Percy told me would kill the special kind of monsters. I looked up to the sky in relief to be alive only to be presented with another predicament. The bullets I fired into to beasts stomach had hit a tree branch which has was only hanging on by a little bit.

It appeared that the bullets went through the beast. Oh Percy and I were going to have a serious conversation when he gets back.

Percy meets Annabeth first time after getting captured

After everyone simmered down and dispersed Percy looked to Reyna and said, "Reyna if it's okay with you i would like to show Annabeth around as our anniversary was interrupted dew to Juno kidnapping me and taking away my memories."

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