Season 3 Episode 3

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Sorry for not updating in a long time. I know how frustrating it is when a story doesn't update. So I will be focusing on updating this story as fast as possible so there is some closure. I find that after I start with my stories I have a hard time following through once I have written them down so I will try not to let this story fall apart as it goes on.

As I woke up I see that I am propped up on a pillar in the bank. Allison is by my side, Scott and Derek are standing guard of the vault, and Boyd as well as the other werewolf are trying to break out of the barrier. I groan to make myself known and try to straighten up.

"Take it easy," Allison tells me calmly.

"Thanks for the help with that Percy. Glad that you showed up when you did." Scott said. "Are you feeling better?"

"A better question would be how the hell water was able to heal those wounds," Derek exclaimed as he walked towards me.

"Listen I'll answer all your questions tomorrow. Tonight I just want to get some rest after what happened." I reply.

"Fine, but I expect answers. Scott, you and I will be staying here the rest of the night in case anything happens." Derek responds.

"Come on Percy, here we go," Allison says as she helps me up. "Woah you need to lay off the sweets." she jokes.

She brings me to my car and drives me home.

Time Skip

As we were getting in we meet up with dad is on his way out. "Hey, Percy you feeling alright?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I'm all good just need some sleep and I'll be good as new. Had a meet up with some betas that were a bit wild." I tell him.

"Allison what happened?" he askes.

"You know the dad of the raven attack at the school?" Allison askes.

"Yeah, what does that have to do with this?" Dad askes.

"Well while you were with Percy signing us out a woman came up to Lydia and me asking about Scott. Before we could get clear answers she grabbed Lydia's and my arm hard enough to leave a bruise. The bruise had a distinct pattern to it and Percy and I found out it was the same sign as the banks. So Percy and I went to the bank to see if there was anything. While there we found Erica dead as well as Scott and Derek on the losing side of a fight with Boyd and Derek's sister, Cora, in the vault. The walls of the vault were made out of some type of material that kept the moonlight out, lowering their tolerance. Percy stepped in because there was a ring of mountain ash around the edge of the vault and we didn't want Boyd or Cora escaping. So Percy held them off while I let Scott and Derek out and while fighting them Percy got injured." Allison said.

"Wow ok. So here's what's going to happen. Percy, you are going to bed and getting some rest and Allison you are coming with me to get groceries, we are going to have a talk about this on the way. And Percy we will be talking about this tomorrow when you are feeling better. Ok?" Dad says in a way that didn't leave any room for argument.

"Yes sir." Both Allison and I say as she helps me to my room.

Scott POV

Allison and Percy left a while ago leaving Derek and myself to supervise Boyd and Cora when I get another call.

"Hey, Stiles what's up?"

"Are Boyd and Cora still there?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well, then we have a problem. Lydia found someone killed by the public pool."

"That's awful. You think it's a werewolf attack?"

"Well yeah, I'm pretty sure. The throat is ripped out with blood everywhere. It's like the freaking Shining over here. If two little twin girls come out of the woods start asking me to play with them forever I'm not going to be surprised."

"Can you get a little closer to make sure it's a werewolf attack?"

"Make sure it's a werewolf attack, Scott what else is going around ripping throats out?"

"Please just do it."

After a bit Stiles replies. "Listen Scott their throat is ripped and blood is everywhere. That to me means werewolf. I don't know what else to say."

"Ok thanks, Stiles. Just stay with Lydia and we will take about everything that has happened tonight tomorrow."

"Yeah sure will do."

After I get off the phone with Stiles I call Allison.

"Hey Scott any problems with Boyd and Cora?"

"No, but we do have another murder to talk about tomorrow Just thought I'd give you a heads up."

"Oh my God, that's awful."

"Yeah, apparently Lydia found it at the public pool. Stiles is with her now."

"Ok, we'll talk to you tomorrow."

"See you then."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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