Hey There

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Garroth's POV 

I was making some cake for a party Aph was having. Laurence then walked in.

"Hey Garroth whatcha doin?" He playfully asked.

"Oh, just making a cake for Aphmau's house gathering." I responded.

"Cool, can I help?" He asked. 

"Sure, here." I handed him an apron.

Laurence then started to put on his apron. 

"Darn, I can't tie it." He said with frustration.

"Oh, let me get it." I said. 

Laurence then hid his face but I didn't question it. I then started to tie his apron. 

"There now you're ready." I smiled.

"Heh...so what can I do?" He asked.

"Well you can mix the batter, here's a spoon." I said and handed him the bowl with a spoon.

Laurence then started mixing he was pretty good at it but he spilled some on the floor.

"Oops." He said. 

"Don't worry I'll clean it up." I said and started to head for a mop when I didn't look where I was going and slipped. I thought I was going to hit the floor but I didn't.

Laurence's POV 

I looked down and there a scared Garroth laid in my arms. 

"Heh... H-hey there." He stuttered.

"H-hey." I responded.

We both looked as red as tomatoes. Then Dante walked in.

"Hey guys what shirt should I wear for the-" He was cut off by the sight of us.

"It's not what it looks like!" I exclaimed and dropped Garroth. 

"Ow" Garroth moaned.

"Nice Laurence." Smirked Dante. We'll talk about this later and he walked back to his room.

"Sorry Garroth!" I apologized as I held out a hand.

"It's fine." He said and took my hand.

I thought the awkwardness was over but when I helped Garroth up we both just stared at eachother. I'd known Garroth since well ever! And I was over Aphamau did I have feelings for...

Garroth's POV

We awkwardly looked at eachother but Laurance just blushed and looked the other way and continued to pull me back up.

"So shall we finish with the cake?" I asked.

"Y-yeah.."Laurance said awkwardly and we continued to make the edible cake.


Laurence's POV

When we got there everyone went straight for there date. Everyone was dating expect for Garroth and me and maybe a few others but that was okay.


Everyone is off giggling with there love interest and me and Garroth were pretty bored. I looked at Garroth and he was sadly glaring at Aphmau and Aaron I may have been over Aph but I guess Garroth wasn't I mean after all they had known eachother since they were kids.

"Hey Garroth you wanna go home?" I asked.

"Y-yeah that would be a good idea." He sighed.

We started walking out but then Aphmau saw us.

"Hey guys! Your leaving already?" Aphmau said with concern.

"Oh uh y-yeah it's getting kinda late and we don't feel so well it was probably the cake." I said nervously.

"Oh okay, hope you guys feel better." She said and we nodded and walked back to our house.

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