A Great Day

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Laurence's POV

I found a spot where no one was there and curled into my knees I then heard a voice.

"Laurence..." I looked up it was Garroth I put my head back in my knees and blushed.

"I need to be alone." I mumbled.

"Look you helped me with Aph and I'm concerned for you..." He said worried

"What's there to be concerned about I got jealous of Aph and ended up kissing you..." I blushed.

"Why would you be jealous of Aph I thought you were jealous of me.." He said confused but still concerned.

"Why? WHY? Because I love you Garroth!" I exclaimed and got up and kissed him. I thought he was going to push me away but he pulled me closer and kissed me back. We then pulled away from eachother. 

"Garroth I-"I started.

"Shhhh" He hushed and laid his forehead on mine. There was silence in the small space.

"I love you too." Said Garroth and he hugged me. I loved his embrace, his warmth, his love...

"Oh my God!" Squealed Katylen.

"GAH!" Garroth and me yelled and pulled away from eachother.

"MA SHIP!" Said Aphmau and fell in Katylen's arms.

"Awe Kawaii~Chan ships it!" Said Kawaii~Chan. 

"Heheh we I MEAN I should get going." I said and started to walk off blushing.

"Hold on now we have to celebrate such an awesome play!" Said Katylen.

"To Olive Garden we go!" Exclaimed Aphmau.

"Hey guys what happened?" Asked Aaron.

"AARON WHERE WERE YOU?!" Aphmau asked

"Oh well me and Lucinda kinda set this up..." Said Aaron.

"What?!" Garroth and me exclaimed.

"Hehe" smirked Lucinda.

"Lucinda-" I started but then was calmed down by Garroth.

"Haha what a great day come on let's go to Olive Garden!" Cheered Katylen and we all took off to Olive Garden.


"Cheers to a greet play and a great couple!" Chuckled Katylen.

"Katylen!" Garroth and me blushed. 

Everyone laughed and cheered and soon everyone went home and me and Garroth walked home together.

"I'll always remember this day." Garroth said and smiled at me.

"Me too." I smiled warmly at him and held his hand.

When we got home Dante and Travis were there smirking. 

"What's up with you two?" I asked.

"Nothing." Travis continued to smirk.

"It's just you two are dating and all so.." Dante said.

"What is it?" Asked Garroth confused.

"Since Travis moved in it would be nice if there was more room and that's where you two come in." Dante Explained.

I looked at Garroth and we were blushing like mad.

"Erm ahem I don't-" I started.

"Y-yeah we've only ahem dating for a f-few-" Garroth was cut off. 

"Nonsense the two love birds need to be together." Said Travis and they both pushed us in my room and closed the door.

I looked at Garroth he was sitting on the bed blushing.

"Y-You can sleep on the bed and I'll just get a sleeping b-" I was cut off by Garroth pulling me close and falling on the bed bringing me down with him. 

I smiled and we got into our PJs. I laid down next to Garroth and cuddled him. 

"I want to hold you all night." I smiled.

"And you shall." He smiled and we fell asleep.

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