The Date

838 21 13

Garroth's POV

I woke up in Laurence's embrace I never wanted to leave he was so warm and he had his chin on my head. I hope Dante or Travis don't come in but then again they had the whole night to take as many pictures as they wanted....

Laurence's POV

I opened my eyes to see an angel Garroth in my arms his hair was so fluffy and I loved everything and every second of this.

"Morning." I softly said.

Garroth turned to face me with his beautiful angel face. "Morning.."he said and rubbed his eyes (so cute)

"You wanna get up?" I asked him.

"Mmm no, not yet." He said and snuggled into my arms more.

After we got up I went into the kitchen to get some cereal and waited on the couch for Garroth to come.

Garroth's POV

I'm so happy I'm with Laurence I mean I never expected this. I walked to the living room and found Laurence there waiting. He smiled at me and I smiled back I then grabbed some coffee and sat next to him on the couch then Travis came in.

"So how'd the two love birds sleep?" He asked.

Laurence and me blushed and Laurence tried to sort of answer the question.

"Um it was- we just- nothing-" he stammered.

"I see..." Travis smirked and grabbed an apple.

"Morning!" Exclaimed Dante as he walked in.

"What's up with you?" Asked Travis.

"What do you mean?" Questioned Dante.

"Why so happy and excited?" Travis asked.

"Well I landed my self a date with Nicole for today." He said smoothly.

"Neat, where are you taking her?" Asked Travis.

"Um the park, a restaurant, who cares I got a date!" Exclaimed Dante.

"Well if you want another one you have to take her somewhere nice." Said Laurence.

"Well look at you, you and Garroth just started going out yesterday and you haven't even been on a date." Said Dante with a smirk.

"I uh-" Laurence stammered again.

We looked at eachother and blushed.

"Haha see, can't even ask him well I'm off to go get ready." Said Dante and walked of.

It is true Laurence and I haven't even gone on a date or anything really.

"Okay I have swim practice so I'm just gonna go..." Said Travis as he avoided a situation and walked out the door.

"Um so would you like to go on a date?" Asked Laurence shyly.

"Today?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah we could g-go have a picnic at the park!" Laurence exclaimed.

"Sounds fun! I'll go get ready." I said and went to get dressed.

Laurence's POV

A picnic? Really Laurence? He seemed to like the idea I mean I hope... I went to go get ready I put on something nice but causal and started packing food for the picnic. Garroth then walked out.

 Garroth then walked out

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