The News

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*A Few Months Later*


I woke up in Laurence's arms like always and he was already awake like always.... 

"Morning angel." He said sweetly and kissed my forehead.

"Morning." I giggled.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast." He said.

"No stay a little longer..." I begged.

He smiled and said "I'll stay as long as you want...."


Laurence and I were walking in park.

"Ahh such a beautiful day for a beautiful person." He looked at me and smiled.

"Heheh Laurence." I nudged him. He smiled and held my hand and of course people stared. I didn't care as long as I had Laurence by my side.

"People really need to stop this it's getting old and frustrating." Laurence and annoyed.

"Yeah well what are they gonna do nothing can keep me away from you." I smiled.

"Heheh." He chuckled and kissed my check.


When we got home from the park we were tired so we just plopped on the couch and napped together it took me a little longer to go to sleep I was tied up in my thoughts. It's been almost a year what if I want to marry Garroth can't because it's not legal it won't be accepted. (AN: I know it's legal now but just for the story it'll be illegal okay back to le story) At least I can just enjoy Garroth for what we have. I then fell asleep.


I was just chilling on the couch watching some TV when Dante came in and sat next to me.

"Hey whatcha watchin'?" He asked.

"Oh just a show." I said.

"Ah... Hey Laurence do you plan to have a future with Garroth?" He asked.

"I've thought about it but how could we?" I asked.

"I know well you can wait at least they're addressing the problem right now." He said.

"Yeah you're right, how are things with Nicole doing?" I asked.

"Ehh not so well..." He said looking down.

"I'm sorry to hear that if you need anything I'm here okay?" I said.

"Yeah okay thanks Laurence, if you want to hear how a better relationship is doing ask Travis." He said chuckling.

"Yeah how are him and Zane?" I asked.

"I'm not sure but he seems like he's flying in the air whenever he gets back from a date with him." He said.

"Haha yeah, well I'm gonna go see what Garroth is up too." I said and got up and walked to our room. I opened the door to find Garroth asleep on the bed and his laptop on his stomach I guess he was working on something. I know I shouldn't look at what he's doing but I just wanted to see. I rubbed his hair back from his forehead and grabbed the laptop. He was looking at houses?! I guess I wasn't the only one thinking about the future. A house with Garroth would be great and just the two of us... I put the laptop on the table and kissed his forehead and left the room.


I heard someone telling me to get up. I could feel Laurence's embrace and him waking up.

"GUYS WAKE UP!" Yelled Dante and Travis.

"What is it?" Groaned Laurence.

"Come look at the TV!" Dante exclaimed.

Me and Laurence got up and followed the two into the living room where the TV was showing a crowd of people I could just see rainbows and the president? 

"What is this?" I asked.

"They're talking about legalizing gay marriage!" Travis and Dante exclaimed.

"WHAT?!" Laurence shouted and got closer to the TV.

Gay marriage being legalized? That means I could marry Laurence! I got close to where Laurence was and listened we couldn't keep our eyes off the screen. Finally they said it. 

"Love is Love and anyone should be able to Love who they want." I heard the TV say and the crowd hugged and cheered, Laurence and I looked at eachother in tears. He hugged me and spun me around and kissed me.

"I love you Garroth!"

"I love you too." And everyone was hugging and laughing.

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