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*1 year later*


I woke up really early to make breakfast in bed for Garroth. After I finished with his breakfast I walked in our room with it. I then sat on the side next to him and rubbed his head. He woke up with a smile.

"Good morning." I said softly with a smile.

"Good morning." He said stretching, "whatcha got there?" He asked.

"It's your breakfast." I said laying it on his lap.

" didn't have to do this." He said.

"I wanted to, now eat up." I said and crawled next to him in bed. He started eating it.

"Well it tastes really good!" He said grabbing a grape and looking at me.

"Fineeee." I said and opened my mouth and he plopped it in my mouth.

"Haha, I have a great day planned for us." I said.

"Do you now?" He said.

"Mhmm as soon as you finish we are going for a walk in the park then we'll have a picnic and then lay under the stars and the best part coming home and snuggling with you..." I smiled.

"Hehe okay I'll get ready." He chuckled. Then when he was ready we went to the park.

"Oh look." I said eyeing an area where a man was playing music and people were dancing.

"Haha okay fine." He said and I grabbed him and we danced slowly. All we could do was look at eachother and smile. The song ended and everyone clapped and we continued to walk through the park. We saw some kids playing with a frisbee and they threw it our way. I grabbed it and therw it back at them.

"Thanks mister! Do you guys wanna play with us?" The boy asked.

"Sure!" We both said and ran towards them. We had fun playing with them me and Garroth took opposite sides so we both were with a kid. The boy next to me then threw the frisbee really high. Garroth then grabbed the little boy next to him and lifted him high in the air to catch the frisbee.

"Haha yay thanks mister." The boy said and Garroth patted his head.

"Haha anytime." He chuckled. Garroth seems good with kids. We then finished our game with them and continued out adventure in the park, we swam in the pond for some time and then it was sunset. We went to the place where we had our first picnic and I set up the blanket and unpacked the food. We ate and then laid down on the blanket to look at all the stars.

"What a great day..." Garroth said.

"All for you." I smiled and he chuckled. I then sat up.

"I love you Garroth and I want to love you forever..." I said. He then sat up too.

"Laurence..." He started and I grabbed his hands and pulled him up.

"I wake up with you every morning, you're the first thing I see when I wake up, you're my favorite thing to listen let me wake up with you forever, be the thing I see first in the morning forever,... Let me listen to you forever..."


Laurence was hitting me hard with this he then looked at me deeply and got down on one knee....

"Garroth Mo'Meave will you marry me?" He asked.

Everything that happened between us flashed in my head then I looked down at him and started to tear up.

"Yes...." I said and he got up and I kissed him and all the people around us clapped and cheered...


Laurence and I bought a house and we wanted to adopt we were just waiting to be accepted. Laurence was walking back and forth. I then grabbed him by his shoulders and looked him in the eyes, he then nodded and I held his hand. Our lawyer then came out, she looked at us with a serious face then softly smiled and said

"Well I'm sure you'd like too see your new daughter..." And motioned to where a baby was laying in its crib.

I looked at Laurence and we smiled so big and rushed to go see her. I picked her up and held her close to us I then looked at Laurance and we both smiled happily.


I'm so happy right now I just love this and want it for-



"I want this...forever...."

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