The Fair

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The Fair opened up today and I want to take Garroth but don't know if we should just go alone.

"Hey Laurence!" I heard a voice call. I looked across the street to find Aph waving at me.

"Hey Aphmau." I replied.

"Are you going to the Fair?" She asked.

"Uhh I don't-" I started.

"Wait let me rephrase that ahem are you going to the Fair with Garroth?" She asked smirking.

"Oh! I uh haven't really..." I tried explaining but Aphmau just shook her head.

"Awe c'mon Laurence you and Garroth are dating! What's so hard about just asking him?" She asked.

"Well you see he's not so comfortable when people look at us and judge and I'm not so comfortable either..." I said.

"Look Laurence you can't let other people get in the way of you and Garroth dating, especially those you don't know" She said.

"Yeah you're right I'll ask him when he gets back from grocery store." I said.

"Haha! Great oh yeah and me and Aaron are also going so if you wanna meet up we can." She offered.

"Oh okay that sounds good thanks Aph." I said.

"No problem!" She waved and we went back into our houses. Did I even get the mail???


When I got back I saw Laurence sitting on the couch he looked nervous.

"Hey is everything okay?" I asked. He looked lost in thought and then snapped back when he heard me.

"O-Oh uh yeah everything is fine." He chuckled. I then started to put away the food when Laurence got up.

"So um the Fair is open." He said.

"Oh yeah I heard it's gonna be great this year!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah so um do you wanna maybe go?" He asked awkwardly.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?!" I said.

"Oh well maybe- I just thought that all those people-" I stopped him.

"I'm okay with it now Laurence as long as you're with me I'm okay." I said and he smiled and helped me put away the food.



"Oh wow look at this place!" Garroth exclaimed as we walked in.

"Yeah can't wait to try everything out." I said.

"Okay well let's go find Aphmau and Aaron." He said.

"Oh hey guys!" I heard a voice say I turned around to see Aphmau and Aaron.

"Well that wasn't too hard, c'mon let's go on some rides!" Said Garroth as he headed towards the rides and I began to follow when Aphmau pulled me back.

"See I knew you could do it!" She said in a hushed voice and I chuckled.

"I just hope we have a good time." I said and caught up with Garroth and we then all rode all the rides we could.

After all the rides we were all a little tired and dizzy so we decided to go to some fun houses.

"Hey how about the haunted house?" Aaron pointed.

"Oh yeah that could be fun!" Said Aphamu.

"Okay then let's go." I said and we got in line behind some people.

"Hey if you get scared just hold my hand and you'll feel all better." I chuckled to Garroth.

"Haha okay sure." He said just then people started looking at us, I looked at Garroth and he looked nervous but was trying to hide it. I then reached for his hand and smiled at him and he sighed and smiled. We then went into the haunted house it was by twos so me and Garroth went in together of course. It was a great haunted house it really got me jumping here and there literally. There was then this jump scare that got both me and Garroth and he fell in top of me. He then smiled and got closer and said

"Hey there." With a sly smile and I chuckled and responded.

"Hey." We then finished the haunted house and tried a few more things and went home. So me and Garroth went to bed and I always loved holding him and putting my chin in his soft blonde hair and the way he always cuddled closer to me. I want this, I want it forever....

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