The Play

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Laurence's POV 

I'm worried for Garroth he's just gonna be a guard and Aaron is Romeo but at least Garroth is his understudy.

"Okay people! I need you're attention." Called Katylen.

Everyone stopped setting up and looked at Katylen.

"Okay the play is tonight I want everyone to be sharp and no goofing around." She snapped.

"Aw I was up for some fun." Smirked Lucinda as she came out of nowhere.

"Hey Lucinda!" Greeted Katylen as they went to go talk and catch up.

I looked over at Garroth and saw he looked a little droopy.

"Hey good luck night." I smiled at Garroth.

"Same to you." He said.

"You feeling okay?" I asked.

"Yeah just adjusting." He said.

"Okay then." I said and started to walk off when

"Hey Laurence why are you so concerned for me?" Garroth asked.

"Garroth...because I care about you, you're like my brother and my best friend." I said.

"T-Thanks Laurence." He blushed I smiled and hugged him I love feeling his warmth and wait?! What am I doing?! I said it myself Garroth is like a brother to me! And I don't know what's got into me do I like Garroth...?


"Okay everyone ready, positions everyone!" Called Katylen.

Travis started the play with the description and so on and so on then it was time for the last scene with Aaron and Aphmau the kissing scene I saw Garroth he no longer looked sad he looked like he has truly moved on that is until...

"Where's Aaron?!" Exclaimed Katylen.

"I don't know!" Yelled Aphmau.

"Dante~Kun and Kawii~Chan will go look." Said Kawii~Chan.

"Ah if we don't find him Garroth you'll have to be the one that Aphmah kisses!" Exclaimed Katylen "Of course we'll get you a mask so they don't know the actor changed roles and wait we need you to get changed NICOLE!" Katylen keep on rambling on about it and before I knew they had taken Garroth to go get ready he looked nervous and he probably didn't want to do it! It's unfair poor Garroth. I guess Lucinda could see my anger so she came to talk to me.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"N-No! Garroth just got over Aph and now this happens and Aph has to kiss him and-" I was cut off.

"Sounds like someone's jealous." She smirked.

"Oh please I got over Aphmau a long time ago." I said.

"I'm not talking about Aphmau." She smirked and I gulped.

"Look I have a potion that can fix your little situation..." She said.

"Umm I don't know Lucinda." I said nervously.

"Are you in or not?" She asked.

"F-Fine what do I have to do?" I asked. 

"Don't worry about leave it to me..." And with that it was time for the scene.

Garroth was on stage and said his lines and then laid down and then Aphmau came out to kiss him she didn't look to confident about kissing Garroth either. I looked at Lucinda and gave her a thumbs up and she throw the potion on Aphmau and she disappeared but in her place I was there kissing Garroth.... Garroth opened his eyes and saw that it was me and freaked out I did too I didn't even know that this was going to happen I'm gonna kill Lucinda but I melted into the kiss and so did Garroth the crowd loved it and after the curtains closed I ran away.

Garroth's POV

Oh my god! Laurence just kissed me I need to go find him as I went to go after him I was stopped by Katylen.

"OMG! That was awesome! You did great!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah t-thanks I need to find Laurence." I said and dashed off in the direction he went I had found him in a corner his head in his knees.

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