chapter 6

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(Shannon's side of the story)

So i just woke up and the time is about 9.20 am i went had a wash and got into my robe and Harry was still asleep. After washing i did what i did every morning after morning cook the boys some breakfast, then i cleaned up the house and did the laundry. The time was about 10.45 am and Harry and Dan were not up which was quite strange because usually they were up this time. So i went up then i heard Harry talking on the phone he was up so i didn't want to disturb him but the call sounded pretty important "what do you mean we can't stay till next week here Lou you guys promised me that we could................ fine thanks Lou........ I know you guys did your best" he said then he finished the phone call and sighed. Then i walked in to the room "hey morning" i said hugging him "morning princess" he said hugging me back "what did Louis say you sounded so annoyed and worried is everything okay" i said looking at him "hmm no it's just that i never really told you why the management called us yesterday" i was really scared to know what he was gonna say because last time they made him leave me i just looked away and just started to walk backwards with my hand my head i wasn't ready to go through this again "no no princess come here it's nothing like you think it's like they can't keep us apart but.......hhmmmm they did reduce my time here with you, they said we had a lot of work once we returned to London with interviews and press conferences, so they tried to make us leave here day after tomorrow i tried to reason with them but they said it was selfish and would effect the others and i cant spoil the other guys dreams, so when we got back to the hotel i.....uhh...kinda told them truth about Dan and they were totally cool about it and they said that they would give us a week together" he said "then whats the problem" i said "well today Louis just called me and told me don't have a week together management wouldn't give it but instead of two days we have five days together" he said i couldn't help but tear, but i looked away to hide them then i smiled at him the best smile i could do "it's okay Harry we will make the best of the five days we have" i said then he cupped the side of my face and stared in to my eyes "you know it's amazing how strong you are i love you so much and i promise you that i will come back to you and we will be a family i will introduce you to mom and Gemma" he said then we kissed i didn't want to stop.

Then we just kept kissing but i pulled away gasping for air we were kissing for that long. "haha rocket that's enough now i gotta go check on Dan he weirdly is still not up" i said going to Dan's room, when i opened the door Dan was on the bed still asleep "hey baby you over slept today time to wake up c'mon now" i said slowly waking him up he slowly opened his eyes "hey there baby boy how are you come here" i said carrying him "hi mommy did daddy come home" he said "yes daddy came home he was worried about you when he cam home you had fallen asleep "hey there buddy" said Harry standing near the door "DADDY HAHA YOU CAME HOME" he said squirming on me "haha what happened to you i thought you were sleepy here go to daddy" i said giving him to Harry "hey there champ hi so did you sleep well last night" he said "yeah daddy i tried to wait up for you but mommy wouldn't let me because i was sick and she said i had to rest" he said with a pouty face "oh well mommy is just taking care of you because she loves you and wants to take care of you" said Harry smiling at me "so how about you go wash now and mommy will prepare you and daddy's breakfast" i said going down stairs Harry followed me "you know i have never seen you eat breakfast "oh....uuhhh...I'm just not hungry in the mornings" i lied you see i only have been eating these few days since Harry's here i actually skip meals most of the time because of work and the only form of food i like to eat is junk so i don't eat because i'm already fat enough so breakfast was the only meal i could skip these days because i always woke up before Harry.

(Harry's side of the story)

Okay today is officially the worst day of my life i thought that i could stay with Shannon for another week but i just found out that i only had five more days well actually four because i cant count today because we have some work to do with the releasing of our new album so i couldn't wait with Shannon and Dan. So i didn't really tell Shannon about me going to work today so i had to tell her while i was having breakfast "uuhhh Shannon i gotta tell you something" i said "yeah Styles tell me" she said "well......uuhhhh.... i kinda have some work today we are releasing a new album called midnight memories and i have some work to be done so i won't have time to stay with you guys today i'm so sorry i'll make it up to you i promise" i said "it's okay Harry you have to work i understand that and a new album i'm so excited to hear it i'm sure the fans will love it they love anything you guys do i've never really ever seen such loyal fans" she said smiling. So we finished breakfast and George my driver was gonna come pick me up to go for work. So till then i played cars with Dan, then there was a knock on the door and when i opened the door it was George "hey there George two minutes and i will be out" i said and he smiled and nodded. I went to our room and Shannon was there cleaning up "hey Shannon George is here i gotta go George is here but if you need anything and i mean anything at all don't hesitate to call any time and if anything happens to Dan tell me" i said then i kissed her then kissed her on her forehead "bye Harry" she said that that beautiful smile of hers "bye love" i said and and went down stairs "hey champ daddy's got some work to do but he will be back soon" i said and he came running to me and hugged me then i carried him "bye daddy i love you come back soon" he said pulling a strand of m hair then i put him down "love you too champ" i said and gave him a kiss on the four head too and messed his up he had the same hair as me and i messed exactly like mine messy but looks good i was pretty sure he was gonna be a heart breaker when he was older.

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