Chapter 11

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(Harry's side of the story)

I travelled for a long time but i finally managed to find a church with a free Chaplain i told him to be ready by 6.30 because i was going to send my car with most probably George, till then i went to me and Shannon's house to get my shirt and tuxedo the boys said that they would arrange a way with Amy to decorate the room while Shannon was distracted i really Hope this goes according to plan i didn't even know what she was doing what if he was thinking of calling off our engagement an breaking up with me or worse what if she leaves, but that would only be the worst case I'm gonna try and be on the positive side through all of this I just let out a big sigh. I looked at the time it was 5.00 I had to go get the chaplain soon, then the door bell rang I wondered who would be visiting me or Shannon at this  I realized the person knocking on the door wasn't that patient i ran down the stair case and I opened the door. There was standing boy well he looked older than me probably in his twenties, he had blonde hair kinda like Justin Biber's and blue eyes, his clothes looked really dirty and withered and he looked really tired and his eyes were puffy like he was crying i tried to figure out he was but I couldn't so I thought it was best to break the silence, thought maybe he was lost "uuhh...hello how can I help you?" i asked to stay polite "you stupid BASTARD" he said grinding his teeth and tightening his fists I was starting to sense a bad tension in the air and I knew the two of us weren't gonna get along that well I scrunched my eye brows together angrily i didn't want to hurt him yet...."I'm sorry what did you call me?" i said stepping closer to him and closing my house door behind me he didn't look the least bit threatened by me which i wasn't enjoying "you heard you stupid-" i cut him off "shut up and tell me who you are NOW!" i demanded he laughed more of an evil laugh rather than a friendly one "oh you know who I am I'm pretty sure Shannon must have told you about me but led me shed some light over the situation does the name TYLER ring a bell" he said tilting his head, then it all came flooding in who he was Shannon had told me about him when we were first dating in London about her best friend Tyler in school i never thought i would meet him in person "ha got you there Styles now that you remember who I am I will tell you why I'm here,  I'm here to tell you to treat Shannon right and love her don't treat her like your other toys you call girls she's not a slut! but I guess poor famous Harry Styles doesn't know what I'm talking about" he chuckled i tightened my fists ready to kill him but i held back, "oh yeah what do you have that i don't" i said getting even more closer to him we were only a step away from each other he chuckled again "oh lets see where can start oohh...there's so much well..... I will love Shannon way more than you are currently loving her, I will never ever run away on her I will never leave her side I will always and I mean ALWAYS protect her even from bastards like YOU! and i wouldn't be ashamed to say DAN WAS MY OWN SON!" that struck me i didn't know how knew about Dan but i had to protect what was right fully mine "yeah thanks for the offer but BACK OFF AND GET THE HELL OUT ME AND SHANNON'S LIVES!" I tried to sound as tough as possible and i shoved him off my porch.

"YOU ASSHOLE!!!" he screamed as he got up and came charging at me I managed to block his first two hits but I wasn't lucky for the third one this made me move back words and BANG! i knocked on my door Tyler got closer and kept punching me I wasn't going to hit him back but now i had to I shoved him as hard as possible again and he went so back he fell off my porch again onto the sand. I wiped away the blood on my lip and removed my tux and charged towards him, were blowing punches at each other soon we were rolling on the sea bay towards the water at one point i managed to get on top of Tyler and pin him down and i punched him hard and screamed "LEAVE TYLER NOW!" I thought he would leave so i got up but he pulled me by my leg making me fall and he was on top and he started hitting me so hard non-stop i thought i wasn't going to make it, my vision was blurring my chest was burning but then I saw someone grabbing Tyler and shoving him away who ever the person was, he was screaming at Tyler then he gave up my vision was slowing coming back and I could here "whatever Styles you may get away now but we will let Shannon decide who she wants very soon!" and he walked off. My eyes were still blurry so I couldn't see who had come to help me "hey lad c'mon lets go" said the stranger lifting me up then he took my hand and put it on his shoulder and we walked towards my house, from what I could hear I knew the stranger wasn't American it was Louis! I was so glad to have him as a friend to be there for me. I couldn't say anything to thank him I was in so much pain I couldn't help but moan. We went inside and I tried to make out who the stranger was but i couldn't I guess because my head felt like someone had taken a huge wrecking ball and slammed straight into me, man Tyler was stronger than I thought. We went inside my house and the stranger started to sit me down "alright slowly now....okay...there" and then he sighed "jeez i leave for an hour and you almost get yourself killed by an adult blue eyed Justin Bieber" said the stranger sitting next to me i recognized that voice it was Louis! "Louis?" i said to make sure "yeah lad" he said it was him "nothing" and i just smiled holding my temples, I was glad to have him. Then Louis got up and went somewhere then i heard him ripping something "wha-" i tried to talk but I guess I was too tired "alright this might sting a little" he said as he placed a cloth on my head and he started cleaning all my cuts  "OOWWWW THAT HURTS!!!!"  I screamed "oh shut up! stop being a baby!" he said and i listened. Then i got my vision back to normal "thanks I can do it now" I said as I took the cloth I saw that he had ripped his shirt to get the cloth. "C'mon" I said as we both went upstairs I went into me and Shannon's room to find that i had a black eye and and a scared lip, the rest was gone "what am I gonna do about the black eye, Shannon would know" I said "that's fine you have to tell her anyway for now don't make it look serious if not she might get scared" I nodded "after this you go have another wash I'll go get your tux from outside just change everything else and we can leave" I got up "yeah thanks lad you can get another shirt too since you tore it" he smiled and nodded.

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