Chapter 15: It's Graduation Day!

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"Mom! Have you seen my shoes?!" I shouted, finding my shoes that Sohpia had lend to me for the graduation later.

"It's under the drawers of your t-shirts in the closet!" She replied and I went there to get it.

I found it and wear it, clipping the small belt around my ankles. Yes, as you guessed, today's graduation day. The last day of being in high school, then next, University.

I grab my phone and wallet, tucking it in the pocket of my toga and went out my room. Basically running, because I'm almost late.

I passed by my brother's room and pop my head at the door, seeing him on his phone, talking.

"Okay, okay. But I'm bringing Auden and Sophia, okay? No. I don't want to. It's just- okay, okay. Bye. See you later, Niall." He ended the phone call and sighed.

"Hey, you ready?" He whip his head at the door, looking at me and raised his brows.

"What? Why are you asking me that when you are the one who's going to graduate?" I shrugged.

"Well, you were busy talking with Niall, right? So that's why I asked." I said, "so, you ready now?" He nodded and we made our way downstairs.

"You nervous?" I looked at him.

"What? Why would I be nervous? It's just a graduation ceremony. Indicating that I finished being in that hell hole." I said to him.

"Mom! Dad! Let's go, we're going to be late!" I shout through the house.

"Uh. That's the point, it's your graduation day and you're going to be on a stage, getting your diploma, shaking hands with th-" he started rambling, but I cut him off.

I rolled my eyes, "Liam. You're rambling and it's just like any other day, but it's actually graduation day. Okay?" He frowned, then sighed.

He was about to say something else, when my parents came from who knows where.

"Okay, let's go!" Mom said, we nodded and went out the door to the car and driving off to school.

"So, darling, you excited?" Mom asked, I shrugged.


She huffs and turned around her seat to look at me, "you're not excited?"

"I mean, I am. Excited that I will be out of that prison hell." I said and she sermons me about calling it like that.

Dad and Liam were laughing while I was being glum about Mom's sermon about calling the school hell.

We arrived a few minutes later and I practically ran to the line of the students.

I saw Sophia and called her name, she searched for the person who called her and finally found me.

We hugged each other and saying good luck and went to our assigned seats.

The principal went to the podium and tapped the mic, "is this thing on?"

"Okay. Good morning graduands, teachers and parents. Welcome to St. Louis The King High School (I forgot what school is this. Lol.)". Some students wolf whistled while others clapped.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate and validate the graduation ceremony of batch 2011. I am Wallace Peters, the school principal." He cleared his throat and continued.

"And let me call Patrick Dales, our aValedictorian and let us welcome him on stage to have his valedictory speech." He finishes and we clapped.

Patrick Dales was the valedictorian of our school and got chosen to have his graduation speech.

He stood up, holding a piece of paper probably his written speech and went up the stage.

As he walk to the podium, he almost tripped and students laughs and he too, blushing. He reached the podium and started talking.

"Well, this is surprising. The first time that I actually stand on stage with a lot of people other than my mother hearing me say my speech." He said and we laugh at his joke.

"Hello, my fellow schoolmates, parents and administers. A lovely day today is, huh?" He chuckles and shook his head.

He lifts his paper and wave it up front, "and here is my speech. Don't worry it won't be that long." He rolled his eyes and we laugh at him.

"Fellow classmates, today is an important day in all of our lives. As we gather here to celebrate more than a decade of long, hard years of learning, we're surrounded by all of the people who taught and inspired us throughout our lives. And I am thanking you all for that." He sighed and started crumpling his paper.

"You know what? Let's stop all the formalities here, a'ight? The truth is, I hate high school. That is when you start feeling all shitty, because of the people making you feel like it." He said, making us be all in laughter as he continues.

"I mean, to be honest, I am glad that I will be out of this Hell hole. You feel me? I hated the food here, no offense, Mrs. Undergeild." He said, raising his hands in defense.

"No offense taken, sonny!" The old lady shouted from the back, making us all laughing again.

"But honestly, I will miss this. I will miss everything." His voice softened. "But then, when I remember what happened back there, I was like, meh." And at this point we were all laughing with tears.

"And lastly to all of my fellow classmates- yes, I know, this will be the last thing that I will say." He says as we started aww-ing and boo-ing.

"A new day stands before us, like a chapter in a book. Waiting to be written. That is all." He was about to leave the podium, when he suddenly remember something to say.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. To all those people who go bitchin' my life. Fuck you! Congratulations, graduates!" Then he walked down the stage.

The principal has a stunned look after Patrick said that, but contained his composure and went back to the podium.

He cleared his throat and fixed his tie, "well, thank you Patrick for that... wonderful speech. Congratulations, graduates of 2011! You may now, throw your caps." And the caps on our heads started flying all around us with students yelling 'alive, alive, alive, alive, alive. Hey!' And others screaming something I don't know.
But I only know one thing.

I'm graduated.

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